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​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ITU Workshop on "Environmental Efficiency for AI and other Emerging Technologies​"

Alesund, Norway, 30 November 2022​


​09:30 - 10:00Opening remarks
1​0:00 - 10:30Coffee Break and Group Picture
​10:30 - 11:30Session 1: Sustainable solutions for environmental efficiency
The relationship between environmental efficiency and advances in fields such as artificial intelligence and blockchain.

Moderator: Paolo Gemma, Co-Chairman FG-AI4EE, I Senior Specialist, Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.

Greg Cannon, Standards Lead, Amazon Web Services [Presentation​]
​11:3​0 - 12:30Session 2:  Environmental efficiency and the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals
How digital technologies can accelerate progress to our Global Goals and related questions relevant to policy and business.

ModeratorCéline Crévisier​, COO, AugmentCity SA,  Norway

Keynote: Marielle Furnes Mannseth, Group Brand & Sustainability Officer, Norwegian Hydrogen AS: "How hydrogen technology can help fulfill the SDGs" [Presentation]
​12:30 - 13:3​0Lunch Break
​13:30 - 14:45Session 3:  Visualization and simulation tools for smart sustainable cities
Digital twin cities, best practices in building them, and their value to climate action. 

Moderator: Joel A. MillsFG-AI4EE Working Group 1 Co-Chairman I CEO, AugmentCity AS, Norway​

Keynote 1: Tom Henriksen​, Business Development Manager & Lead Partner Acceleration, Data Insight Division, Telia, Norway [Presentation]
​14:45- 15:15
​Coffee Break
​15:15- 16:30​​
Session 4: Business models for green growth  
Practical approaches to environmental governance and business models integrating environmental sustainability.

Moderator: Greg Cannon, Standards Lead, Amazon Web Services 

Keynote 1: Odd Are Svensen, Research Director, Sintef Digital, Norway
Keynote 2: Gunnar Crawford​, VP Digital Services, Innovation, Strategy , Partnerships, Desert Control, Norway: "From sand to hope - A mission to combat desertification, soil degradation, and water scarcity" [Presentation]

​16:30 - 16:45Workshop conclusions and closing
​16:45 - 1​9:00​Welcome Reception & Visit of AugmentCity simulator 
