Committed to connecting the world

Draft Programme

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Joint ITU/WHO Workshop on “Future of Verifiable Health Credentials Beyond COVID-19”

​11 September 2023, Seoul, Republic of Korea​


08:30 - 09:00 KST​
09:00 - 09:30 KST
Master of Ceremony: Gillian Makamara, Project Officer, ITU/TSB

Opening Remarks: 
09:30 - 11:30 KST
​Session 1: Implementation use cases for Verifiable Health Credentials including Digital COVID-19 certificates 

This session will present various implementation use cases for verifiable health credentials including digital COVID-19 certificates from different countries/regions/organizations across the world. 

Moderator: Sungchae Park, Soonchun​hyang University, Korea (Rep. of) 
​11:30 - 12:00 KST
​Coffee Break
​12:00 - 13:00 KST
​Session 2: Underlying technologies and security and privacy interests of certificate holders for supporting implementation of Verifiable Health Credentials including Digital COVID-19 certificates 

This session will identify fundamental underlying technologies for implementation of verifiable health credentials, especially for building trust networks, and look at security and privacy issues for verifiable health credentials and also identify potential controls to address security and privacy issues. 

Moderator: Changoh Kim,  Q4/17 Associate Rapporteur, Q3/Q4/Q7/Q13/Q14 Editor in ITU-T SG 17 | CISO, Yanolja,  Korea (Rep. of)  ​
13:00 - 14:00 KST
​Lunch Break
​14:00 - 15:30 KST
​Session 3: Building trust frameworks for Verifiable Health Credentials including digital COVID-19 certificates  

This session will identify governance, organizational and technical issues for building trust networks for verifiable health credentials including digital COVID-19 certificates. It will consider two types of implementations of verifiable health credentials: PKI-based and blockchain-based. 

Moderator: Kyeong Hee Oh, Q14/17 Co-rapporteur | TCA services, Korea (Rep. of) 
15:30 - 16:00 KST
​​Coffee Break
​​​16:00 - 17:30 KST

​Session 4: Panel discussion – Directions for future Verifiable Health Credentials and the future of JCA-DCC  

This session will identify directions for future verifiable health credentials and discuss the future of JCA-DCC, which will be reported to TSAG, parent group of JCA-DCC.   

Moderator: Heung Youl YoumCo-chairman of JCA-DCC | Professor, Department of Information Security Engineering, Soonchunhyang University, Korea (Rep. of)​ ​
​17:30 - 17:40 KST
Workshop summary and closing 
​18:30 - 20:00 KST
Fifth meeting of JCA-DCC​
