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ITU-T SG17 Mini Workshop on ITU-T X.1060: Exploring an Operational Framework for Cybersecurity

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​22 February 2024

Geneva, Switzerland​​​​

​​​​The mini-workshop was organised by Question 3/17 (Telecommunication information security management and security services) under ITU-T Study Group 17 (Security) with the main aim of showcasing Recommendation ITU-T X.1060 and facilitating the exchange of best practices in securing digital infrastructure in the context of ITU-T X.1060Remote participation was provided. 

​The objectives of the mini-workshop included, but were not limited to: ​​
Target Audience
The mini-workshop was targeted at representatives from CSIRTs, telecommunications regulators, national cybersecurity agencies, ministries, service and solution providers and vendors, academia, R&D institutions, and other organizations working on matters related to cybersecurity.

Participation was open to all interested parties and free of charge.


​​​​14:00 - 14:30​
Registration / Participants' check-in
​​​​14:30 - 14:50
Welcome and opening remarks

Master of Ceremony: 
Miho Naganuma​, Rapporteur, Q3/17 Senior Executive professional, NEC Corporation, Japan​
​​​​14:50 - 15:30​​Session 1: Enhancing national cybersecurity frameworks with international cybersecurity standards - CDC framework and transition strategies
​This session will explore the critical process of implementing international cybersecurity standards at the national level with a focus on Recommendation ITU-T X.1060​, Framework for the creation and operation of a cyber defence centre, which serves as a cornerstone for enhancing national cybersecurity resilience. Expert presentations will guide participants through transition from existing cybersecurity structures to the adaptive CDC model including perspectives from country experiences in successfully implementing Recommendation X.1060 within their unique national contexts.

Moderator: Masae Toyama, Liaison officer, JPCERT/CC, Japan
​​​​15:30 - 16:00 Coffee break: Kindly supported by
​​​​16:00 - 17:15
​Session 2: Enhancing collaboration on major operational frameworks for cybersecurity
This session will delve into the critical topic of establishing security baselines for digital infrastructure by showcasing few existing frameworks including Recommendation ITU-T X.1060.

Koichiro Komiyama​, Director of Global Coordination Division, JPCERT/CC, Japan
​​​​17:15 - 17:30
​Closing & Wrap-up




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