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ITU-T Focus Group on Quantum Information Technology for Networks (FG-QIT4N)


Quantum information technology (QIT) is a class of emerging technology that improves information processing capability by harnessing principles of quantum mechanics. It has promoted the booming of the second quantum revolution and will have a profound impact on ICT networks.
The ITU-T Focus Group on Quantum Information Technology for Networks (FG-QIT4N) was established in September 2019 to provide a collaborative platform for pre-standardization aspects of QIT for networks. Its main objectives were:
FG QIT4N concluded its work and adopted the following​ Deliverables as technical reports on 24 November 2021, watch the briefing on these Deliverables here:

Management and Contacts

Vice-Chairmen​ ITU Contact

Working Group Chairs

WG0: Coordination Committee​
WG1: Network aspects of QIT​ ​ WG2: QKDN​


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