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JCA-AHF Documents

JCA-AHF Documents

25 January 2016, ITU Headquarters, Geneva, Switzerland (during ITU-T SG2 meeting (20-29 Jan 2016))​

Number​ ​Document title ​Source
Doc 230​Draft meeting report of Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF), Geneva, 25 January 2016​Andrea Saks, JCA-AHF Chairman
Doc 229​Final list of participants​TSB
Doc 228​Captioning Transcript of the Joint Coordination Activity on Accessibility and Human Factors (JCA-AHF), Geneva, 25 January 2016​Andrea Saks, JCA-AHF Chairman
Doc 227​Swiss Federation of the Deaf​Swiss Federation of the Deaf
Doc 226​Invitation to all stakeholders to participate in the 2nd physical open consultations of CWG-Internet on 15 February 2016 at the ITU HQ in Geneva, Switzerland​ITU General Secretariat (SG)
Doc 225Presentations from ETSI and TC Human Factors​ETSI TC Human Factors
Doc 224​2015 Activitty report of the WHO programme for the prevention of deafness and hearing loss​WHO
Doc 223​Report on Radio Spectrum Issues Related to Assistive Listing Devices​Brian Copsey, Invited Expert
Doc 222 Rev.2​Draft agenda of JCA-AHF meeting and documents allocation (Geneva, PM, 25 January 2016)​JCA-AHF
Doc 219​Minutes of the 9th meeting of CEN/CENELEC/ETSI JWG "eAccessibility under Mandate M/376", 10 December 2015​Andrea Saks, JCA-AHF Chairman
Doc 218​Agenda of the 9th meeting of CEN/CENELEC/ETSI JWG "eAccessibility under Mandate M/376", 10 December 2015​Andrea Saks, JCA-AHF Chairman
Doc 217​Summary of the special meeting of ITU Accessibility Focal Points with invited Accessibility Experts (Geneva, 17 July 2015)​ITU
Doc 216​LS/i/r on barriers to wireless connections for hearing aids and medical devices (IRG-AVA-1507-005) (to IRG-AVA) [from ITU-T SG16]​ITU-T SG16
Doc 215​LS/i on new ITU-T SG20 [from ITU-T SG20]​ITU-T SG20

Links to documents for easy access for persons with disabilities

ITU-T SG16 Technical Papers: