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Executive Summary of the ITU-T Study Group 16 Meeting
(Geneva, 21 November – 2 December 2011)

Results from previous meetings2011-03  2010-07 | 2009-10 | 2009-01 |
2008-04 | 2007-06 | 2006-11 | 2006-04 | 2005-07 | 2004-11 |
2004-01 | 2003-05 | 2002-10

Major accomplishments

  • Consented Recommendations: 20 at this meeting (32 in 2011-03)
  • Recommendations Decided/Determined/Approved: none at this meeting
  • Recommendations agreed for Deletion: none at this meeting
  • Other texts approvederrata (0), appendices (0ß4), supplements (2ß1), implementors' guides (1ß3), technical papers (2ß6), and other documents (2ß3). Total: 5+2
  • There were no changes to the SG 16 Question set at this meeting, but the first round of discussions was held on the text of the SG 16 Questions for the next Study Period:

Contributions and discussions on the SG 16 mandate, lead SG roles and text of Question are invited during the various interim meetings as well as during the next SG 16 meeting.

  • Following the WTSA-08 mandate to coordinate its studies with ITU-T SG 9, collocated meetings of both study groups were held in the week of 21-25 November 2011. Opening plenaries of each group were staggered so delegates could attend both meetings. A joint plenary session was held on Wed 23 November. No major issues were identified, since coordination is ongoing, in particular during IPTV-GSI meetings.
  • ITU-T SG 16 also hosted the Joint Video Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC), as part of its ongoing collaboration with ISO/IEC JTC 1 / SC 29 / WG 11 for an advanced IPTV terminal and for the development of the next generation of video coding. The JCT-VC had 286 registered participants and reviewed 1045 documents in its 10 days of meeting.
  • A workshop on Telecommunication Relay Services for persons with disabilities was held on 25 November 2011 with 60 participants present. This workshop helped understanding technical, policy and end-use perspectives that will lead to standards allowing speech and hearing impaired persons to use a relay (a third-party) to fully communicate with speaking and hearing persons, despite national boundaries. The chairman's report is found in TD 436/Plen.
  • With a small amendment, ITU-T SG 16 supported the proposal to create a Collaboration on ITS Communication Standards, which will be reviewed in a meeting in Geneva, 14 December 2011.
  • Conformance and interoperability testing (CIT) activities continued in SG 16. In addition to the revision of the testing specs for the Emmy Primetime ITU-T H.264 (in H.264.1 and H.264.2), conformance checking for IPTV standards has been beefed up with two new specs plus the definition of a community-driven test case definition for ITU-T H.761. SG 16 also reviewed and found counter-productive a proposal from the ITU-T JCA-CIT on the use of mandatory Annex to Recommendations for development of CIT specs. For more details, see COM16-LS-264.
  • There were no changes in Rapporteurs and other roles: see below
  • List of pre-approved interim meetings: see related link
  • Final text of the 28 outgoing Liaison Statements: see LS database or related link (TIES account needed)
The meeting had 188 registered participants during the meeting period (compared to 175 at the last meeting). The final list of participants is available in TD 380R1/Plen.

Dates of next SG 16 meeting and interim Working Party meetings

The next meeting of ITU-T SG 16 is scheduled for Geneva, Switzerland, 30 April – 11 May 2012. The meeting will be collocated in the first week with ITU-T SG 9. ISO/IEC JTC1 SC29/ WG11 (known as MPEG) will also meet in Geneva during the first week, to facilitate joint work on video coding and on IPTV terminals.

No interim working party meetings are planned.

Map of meeting reports & Liaison Statements (as seen by the SG 16 Plenary)

Summary of Questions’ Results
 Question 1/16 summary

Question 1/16 had a successful meeting and principally worked on progressing support of scalable video coding (SVC) in H.241/H.32x systems along with some discussions on future amendments to ITU-T Rec. H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1. Q1/16 proposed draft revised Recommendation H.241 for Consent.

Question 2/16 summary

Question 2/16 had a successful meeting and principally discussed the progress of the work on H.460.m-tunnel along with H.241/H.323 support of scalable video coding (SVC) (jointly with Q1/16). Q2/16 agreed to remove H.323 Annex I from the work programme confirming discussions that took place at previous meetings. Q2/16 proposed one document for Approval (H.Sup 4).

Question 3/16 summary

Question 3/16 met for six quarters to review 62 documents. Q3/16 continued work on a number of existing work items which has resulted in six Recommendations for Consent: Revised H.248.12, Revised H.248.34, new H.248.48, new H.248.50 Corrigendum 1, new H.248.79 and new H.248.83.  Two work items were put forward for approval: H-Series Supplement 2 and H.248 Sub-series Implementors’ Guide. Q3/16 started one new work item: H.248.TLS . Q3/16 also essentially completed the work on a number of Recommendations (H.248.66, H.248.74), which could not be put forward to Consent due to the current unavailability of the needed/referenced IETF RFCs. Q3/16 prepared two liaison statements.

Question 4/16 summary

Question 4/16 reviewed a contribution on an architecture which is able to provide enhanced QoS/QoE for multimedia services using the cooperation between protocol layers. It was agreed to create a work item based on the contribution. Q4/16 also reviewed a contribution on QoE enhancement using network coding for scalable video. There was one more contribution for review, which analyses various multimedia QoS issues on high speed train communications. These two contributions were considered useful to create future work items. No LSs were prepared at this meeting.

Question 5/16 summary

Question 5/16 had a successful meeting, and progressed work on the three work items.  Twenty contributions on requirements, architecture, use cases, services, and audio/video parameters were presented and discussed.  New baseline text for F.TPS-Reqs, F/H.TPS-Arch and H.TPS-AV was prepared and accepted. Incoming LS statements were reviewed, and one outgoing LS statement to SG 12 was prepared.

Question 6/16 summary

The primary goals for Question 6/16 at this meeting of SG 16 were to review the progress of Q6/16, JCT-VC, and JPEG work, reach AAP Consent on JPEG work items that have reached sufficient maturity, consider maintenance needs, and plan future work. A substantial portion of the image coding work of Question 6/16 has been conducted jointly with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 1 (JPEG/JBIG). A substantial portion of the video coding work of Question 6/16 is currently being conducted jointly with ISO/IEC JTC 1/ SC 29/WG 11 (MPEG) in the Joint Collaborative Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC). A meeting of the JCT-VC was held in a co-located fashion with this meeting of SG 16 under its auspices. The JCT-VC is tasked with development of a new video coding Recommendation known as High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). Meetings of JPEG/JBIG and MPEG were also held nearby during the current meeting of SG 16. Q6/16 is planning to hold one Rapporteur meeting and one JCT-VC meeting before the next SG 16 meeting in April/May 2012 and to hold a meeting of the JCT-VC in a co-located fashion with the next SG 16 meeting in April/May 2012 under its auspices.

Question 7/16 summary

Question 7/16 issued a revision of the Media Coding Summary Database (MCSD) including changes in the audio, video and still image data sheets to add information on conformance and interoperability testing. The LSs related to working on IDN and especially on visual confusion in domain names were presented and noted. The future activities, especially the work programme and the question text for the next Study Period, were discussed. The Question is not planning any interim meetings.

Question 8/16 summary

Further progress was made on the GSAD technical paper. Updated text based on comments from the previous meeting was reviewed and adopted. It was agreed to include some additional graphs of the GSAD selection test results, and results of further subjective tests, before final publication of the technical paper expected for May 2012. Discussion of the future of Q08/16 indicated the possibility of re-vectoring the work to focus on the application of GSAD technology in network speech enhancement devices. No output liaisons were generated, and no interim meetings are planned.

Question 10/16 summary

Question 10/16 moved for consent a new Annex to Recommendation ITU-T G.729.1 on VAD using G.720.1 Annex A. The Question also agreed to correct the test vectors to G.711.1 Annex D and G.722 Annex B together with some minor text corrections to G.722 text. The validation means of alternative floating-point implementations of super-wideband codecs (G.711.1 Annex D, G.718 Annex B, G.722 Annex B, G.722.1 Annex C and G.729.1 Annex E) were discussed and the Question decided to investigate on a possible alternative validation tool. The basic reference solutions for G.722 encoded-domain time-scaling were reviewed. The Question reviewed 20 liaison statements, and produced five outgoing liaison statements. Discussions on the preparation for the next study period began. Q10/16 is not planning on holding any Rapporteur meeting before the next SG 16 meeting.

Question 12/16 summary

Question 12/16 had a successful meeting reviewing several contributions. Much of the meeting time was focused on the application to application signalling and interface K, as well as working through AMS communication sequence and information flow for regular multimedia communications and application handover. The experts also made progress on the draft Recommendation H.325 by issuing an updated version at this meeting. No LSs were prepared at this meeting. Q12/16 plans on holding one interim meeting, collocated with other WP2/16 Questions, and to continue regular electronic meetings, as needed.

Question 13/16 summary

Question 13/16 was addressed in 18 sessions during the SG 16 meeting under the chairmanship of Mr. Masahito Kawamori (NTT, Japan), assisted by Mr. Marcelo Moreno (UFJF, Brazil). It reviewed 27 contributions, and produced 32 output documents, in addition to 8 liaison statements. It produced 8 liaison statements, including one that asks DVB to start work on specifying the carriage of MAFR applications over DVB signal. The group agreed to propose H.IPTV.AM.0-0 "IPTV application event handling: Overall aspects of audience measurement for IPTV services” for consent at this SG16 meeting. It also agreed to propose HSTP.CONF-H701 “Conformance testing specification for H.701” and HSTP.CONF-H762 “Conformance testing specification for H.762” for approval. Q13/16 agreed to create a new work item, “IPTV Terminal Device: Interworking-enabled model of multiple devices” (H.IPTV-TDES.5). It held a joint meeting with Q4/9 on “Integrated Broadcast Broadband Application Control” and two joint meetings with Q3/13, one on e-Health, inviting WHO and Continua Health Alliance, and the other on mobile IPTV. It discussed and changed the text of its Terms of Reference. The roadmap of ITU-T IPTV Recommendations under SG 16 was updated. Q13/16 prepared eight outgoing Liaison Statements. The group plans on holding one interim meeting during the IPTV-GSI event in February 2012, and various electronic meetings to progress MAFR series and Audio Measurements Recommendations.

Question 14/16 summary

The goal for this meeting of Q14/16 was to continue the development/maintenance of Recommendations V.150.1, V.151, V.152 and T.38. No contributions or updated editor drafts were submitted on these and any other Recommendations under the purview of Q14/16. No LSs were produced by the Question at this meeting. No interim Rapporteurs meeting is planned.

Question 15/16 summary

Nine temporary documents were discussed in this meeting. The text of Q15/16 for the next study period was updated. No LSs were prepared at this meeting. One interim meeting is proposed.

Question 16/16 summary

Revised ITU-T G.168 (V7) (Digital network echo cancellers) was put forward for Consent at this meeting following work during the meeting and over the interim period to agree text for new tests 5B and 9B. The draft texts of G.160 (V2) and G.169 Annex B were reviewed and new G.168 Annex E (Embedded echo cancellers) was updated following a contribution on performing tests without access to control signals. The new work item on Do No Harm tests was also considered and some initial agreements on the way forward were made. The text of the Question for the next Study Period was reviewed and one interim meeting was proposed.

Question 18/16 summary

At this meeting, Question 18/16 advanced the work on drafting new Recommendation G.SPNE “Signal Processing Network Equipment”, revised Recommendation G.161 "Interaction aspects of signal processing network equipment" and revised Recommendation G.799.2 “Mechanism for Dynamic Coordination of Voice Enhancement Signal Processing Functions”. One Liaison Statement was sent to SG 12 and FG CarCom. The text of Q18/16 for the next study period was reviewed and the Question plans to hold one interim meeting.

Question 20/16 summary

Question 20/16 addressed general coordination SG 16 matters and reviewed input Liaison Statements addressed to all Questions of SG16. Two LSs were prepared to TSAG: on conformance and interoperability testing mandatory Annex to ITU-T Recommendations, and another on pre-defined form to document the establishment of work items towards new Recommendations. No interim meeting is planned until next SG 16 meeting.

Question 21/16 summary

Question 21/16 met jointly with Q22/16 during this meeting. A joint Q21/16, Q22/16 and Q24/16 meeting was also held to discuss the revised Question text. In the area of home network, four contributions were presented and reviewed. In the area of visual surveillance, six contributions were reviewed and they were accepted with some changes to the content and incorporated into the updated versions of two draft Recommendations, H.VSprot and H.VSMarch. No LSs were issued by Q21/16 during this meeting. The Question plans on holding an interim meeting together with other Questions of WP2/16.

Question 22/16 summary

Question 22/16 met jointly with Q21/16 during this meeting. A joint Q21/16, Q22/16 and Q24/16 meeting was also held to discuss the revised Question text. In the area of NID, two contributions on H.IDscheme and H.ID-RA were reviewed. It was agreed to transfer the responsibility for H.IRP, H.IDscheme and H.ID-RA to Q25/16. The experts discussed technical approaches that may be used for ITU-T only texts for these two draft Recommendations.  Two contributions on LIMS were reviewed and accepted with some slight changes in content. One LS was issued by Q22/16 during this meeting. The Question plans on holding an interim meeting together with other Questions of WP2/16.

Question 24/16 summary

Question 24/16 reviewed four contributions and five liaison statements at this meeting. The group reviewed draft Recommendation F.MOCC "Scenarios and requirements of multimedia optimization control components"  which was planned for Consent at this meeting. However, the group decided to put the document forward for Consent at the next SG 16 meeting in order to make it more mature. An updated version was created after the drafting session. F.MOCC is believed to be stable from technology point of view,  and more contributions are expected for the next SG16 meeting. The group also made some progress on the development of F.UDExch "User data exchange between functional components in network entities or terminals" during this meeting, and produced an output document. Contributions on draft Recommendations H.SA&TCFC are also expected for the next SG 16 meeting.

Question 25/16 summary

Question 25/16 discussed nine contributions and eight liaison statements. During the meeting, Q25/16 agreed to put forward for Consent draft new Rec. ITU-T H.641 (ex H.SNMF). Q25/16 also made progress on F.USN-CC, F.USN-SM, and F.USN-NRP. In addition, Q25/16 decided to create a new work item on F.OpenUSN “Requirements and reference architecture for open USN service framework” and F.USN-ALI “Requirements and reference structure of automatic location identification capability for USN applications and services”. At the meeting, Q25/16 produced nine output documents and two outgoing liaison statements. The Question plans to hold one Rapporteur meeting jointly with other Questions of WP 2/16 in Feb 2012.

Question 26/16 summary

Question 26/16 made steady progress in its work on relay services. Work remains to be done on the Technical Paper and it is hoped that it will be ready for approval at the next meeting of Study Group 16. The workshop on relay services (held after the Q26/16 meeting) will provide more material for the work. We continue to learn about making meetings accessible to persons with disabilities and plan to produce a Technical Paper before the next meeting. We continued to offer help in accessibility to other groups in ITU. We added our voice to those asking for a global spectrum allocation for radio-connected hearing aids.

Question 27/16 summary

At this meeting, Question 27/16 reviewed the vehicle telecommunications related work including the work in Focus Groups, ITU-T Study Groups and other Standards Development Organizations. The Question advanced the work on the draft new Recommendations F.VGP-REQ and F.VGP-FAM and it was agreed to start on new Recommendations G.SAM “Mechanisms for managing the situational awareness of drivers” and G.V2A “Communications interface between external applications and a Vehicle Gateway Platform”. The Question prepared no outgoing Liaison Statements and does not plan on holding any interim Rapporteurs meeting.

Question 28/16 summary

Question 28/16 had a joint meeting with Q3/13, inviting experts from WHO and Continua Health Alliance.  The group agreed to plan a workshop on e-health in early 2012. Q28/16 will closely work with Q3/13, WHO and Continua Health Alliance. During the second session, it was agreed to consider the possibility to create an ITU-T Focus Group on e-health.  The group updated its two draft documents, F.EHMMF and HSTP.EHMSI. The group prepared two liaison statements and is planning one Rapporteurs meeting collocated with the IPTV-GSI event in Geneva, February 2012.

Recommendations Consented by SG 16 on the closing Plenary

Description Documents AAP/LC**
ITU-T G.168 (V7) "Digital network echo cancellers" (Rev.) TD 438/Plen AAP 74
ITU-T G.729.1 (2006) Amd.7 (ex G.729.1-VAD-Layer) "G.729-based embedded variable bit-rate coder: An 8-32 kbit/s scalable wideband coder bitstream interoperable with G.729: Voice activity detector using G.720.1 Annex A" (New) TD 427/Plen AAP 74
ITU-T H.241 "Extended video procedures and control signals for H.300-series terminals" (Rev.) TD 430/Plen AAP 74
ITU-T H.248.12 "Gateway control protocol: H.248.1 packages for H.323 and H.324 interworking" (Rev.) TD 426/Plen AAP 74
ITU-T H.248.34 "Gateway control protocol: Stimulus analogue line package" (Rev.) TD 416R1/Plen AAP 74
ITU-T H.248.48 (ex H.248.QHR) "Gate Control Protocol: RTCP XR Block Reporting Package" (New) TD 418/Plen AAP 74
ITU-T H.248.50 Corrigendum 1 "Gate Control Protocol: NAT traversal toolkit packages: Corrections and clarification" (New) TD 420/Plen AAP 74
ITU-T H.248.79 (ex H.248.Packets) "Gate Control Protocol: Guidelines for Packet-Based Streams" (New) TD 424/Plen AAP 74
ITU-T H.248.83 (ex H.248.MGINST) "Gateway control protocol: Media Gateway Instance Package" (New) TD 421/Plen AAP 74
ITU-T H.262 | ISO/IEC 13818-2 Amd.4 "Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Video: Frame packing arrangement signalling for 3D content" (New) TD 434R1/Plen AAP 74
ITU-T H.264 "Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual services" (Rev.) TD 437/Plen AAP 73
ITU-T H.264.1 (V4) "Conformance specification for H.264 advanced video coding" (Rev.) TD 432/Plen AAP 73
ITU-T H.264.2 (V4) "Reference software for H.264 advanced video coding" (Rev.) TD 433/Plen AAP 73
ITU-T H.641 (ex H.SNMF) "SNMP-based sensor network management framework" (New) TD 428R1/Plen AAP 74
ITU-T H.741.0 (ex H.IPTV.AM.0-0) "IPTV application event handling: Overall aspects of audience measurement for IPTV services" (New) TD 443/Plen AAP 74
ITU-T T.800 (2002) | ISO/IEC 15444-1:2004 Amd.5 "Information technology - JPEG 2000 image coding system: Core coding system: Enhancements for digital cinema and archive profiles (additional frame rates)" (New) TD 440/Plen AAP 73
ITU-T T.805 | ISO/IEC 15444-6 "Information technology - JPEG 2000 image coding system: Compound image file format" (New) TD 441/Plen AAP 73
ITU-T T.810 (2006) | ISO/IEC 15444-11:2007 Amd.1 "Information technology - JPEG 2000 image coding system: Wireless: IP based wireless networks" (New) TD 439/Plen AAP 73
ITU-T T.832 "Information technology - JPEG XR image coding system - Image coding specification" (Rev.) TD 442/Plen AAP 73
ITU-T T.835 "Information technology- JPEG XR image coding system - Reference software" (Rev.) TD 435/Plen AAP 73

*: some texts are subject to editorial cleanup before posting. Hence, the version posted may differ slightly from the TD indicated.
**: expected AAP Announcement for Last Call
***: Editorial cleanup is expected for H.262, H.264, H.264.1, H.264.2, T.800 Amd.5, T.805, T.810 Amd.1, T.832 and T.835 before start of AAP LC

Recommendations Approved by SG 16 on the closing Plenary (according to A.8 §5)

None at this meeting.

Recommendations Decided by SG 16 on the closing Plenary

None at this meeting.

Other texts approved by SG 16

Supplements Document
H-Series Supplement 2 "H.248.x sub-series packages guide - Release 15" (Rev.) TD 423/Plen
H-Series Supplement 4 "Repository of generic parameters for ITU-T H.460.x sub-series Recommendations" (Rev.) TD 417/Plen
Implementors’ Guides Document
Implementors’ Guide for the H.248.x Sub-series (Rev.) TD 422/Plen
Technical Papers and other materials Document
HSTP.CONF-H701 (V2) "Conformance testing specification for H.701" (New) TD 445/Plen
HSTP.CONF-H762 (V3) "Conformance testing specification for H.762" (Rev) TD 446/Plen
ToR for a Collaboration on ITS Communication Standards TD 444/Plen
Updated Media Coding Summary Database (MCSD) TD 230/WP3

NOTE – No Appendices approved at this SG 16 meeting.

Recommendations agreed for deletion by SG 16

None at this meeting.

Updates in the SG 16 management team and Rapporteurs

(Click here for the complete list of SG 16 Rapporteurs).


  • No new/modified appointments at this meeting

New Appointments:

  • No new/modified appointments at this meeting
Representatives and other roles:
  • No new/modified appointments at this meeting
See the webpage for the latest information.

Open positions:

  • Question 21/16 (Multimedia architecture)
  • Liaison Officer to ITU-T SG 9, JCA-HN, 3GPPs, OMA, ETSI TISPAN, IPR Ad hoc Group
  • EWM Coordinator
  • SG 16 Promotion Officer