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Executive Summary of the ITU-T Study Group 16 Meeting
(Geneva, 30 April – 11 May 2012)

Results from previous meetings2011-11  2011-03  2010-07 | 2009-10 | 2009-01 |
2008-04 | 2007-06 | 2006-11 | 2006-04 | 2005-07 | 2004-11 |
2004-01 | 2003-05 | 2002-10

Executive Summary of the ITU-T Study Group 16 Meeting
Geneva, 30 April – 11 May 2012)

Major accomplishments

  • Consented Recommendations: 28 at this meeting (20 in 2011-11)
  • Recommendations Decided/Determined/Approved: none at this meeting
  • Recommendations agreed for Deletion: none at this meeting
  • Other texts approved: errata (0← 0), appendices (1← 0), supplements (0← 2), implementors' guides (1← 1), technical papers (2← 2), and other documents (5← 2). Total: 4+5
  • Completed the text of the SG 16 Questions for the next Study Period (TD 531R1/Plen), totalling 18 proposed new and revised Questions. Highlights:
    • Combined Questions: 2+4+12; 8+14; 15+18; 21+22+24
    • New Question on Digital Signage

Proposal for the mandate in the next study period was agreed, TD 530/Plen – only minor adjustments were included.

  • ITU-T SG 16 agreed to the ToR for the creation of a new collaborative team with MPEG – the Joint Collaborative Team on 3D video coding extensions. It will work on the creation of 3D video coding extensions for a family of codecs, including H.262, H.264 and the new HEVC (TD 532/Plen).
  • We also agreed to issue a Joint Call for Proposals on Scalable Video Coding Extensions of High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) that will be carried out under the JCT-VC. The text of the preliminary call is found here.
  • Following the WTSA-08 mandate to coordinate its studies with ITU-T SG 9, collocated meetings of both study groups were held in the week of 30 April – 4 May 2012. Opening plenaries of each group were staggered so delegates could attend both meetings. A joint plenary session was held on Wed 2 May (report: here). No major issues were identified, since coordination is ongoing, in particular during IPTV-GSI meetings.
  • ITU-T SG 16 also hosted the Joint Video Team on Video Coding (JCT-VC), as part of its ongoing collaboration with ISO/IEC JTC 1 / SC 29 / WG 11 (MPEG) for the development of the next generation of video coding. The JCT-VC had 243 registered participants and reviewed over 500 documents in its 12 days of meeting.
  • ITU-T SG 16 agreed with the extension of the FG-AVA period of operation till January 2013.
  • The Joint ITU-WHO Workshop on e-Health Standards and Interoperability was held in Geneva, 26-27 April 2012, before the SG 16 meeting with 116 participants present. This workshop helped taking stock of efforts to date, discuss barriers to adoption, and contribute to an ITU-WHO developed roadmap to guide future action.
  • Conformance and interoperability testing (CIT) activities continued in SG 16. Conformance checking for IPTV standards has been beefed up with one new spec for testing ITU-T H.761 Ginga/NCL. Various SG 16 Questions agreed to add a specific clause on CIT in applicable Recommendations (e.g. ITU-T G.160 and G.161 consented at this meeting).
  • No changes in Rapporteurs and other roles, as this is the last meeting in the study period.
  • List of interim meetings pre-approved: see related link
  • Final text of the 16 outgoing Liaison Statements: see LS database or related link (TIES account needed)
  • The meeting had 181 registered participants during the meeting period (compared to 188 at the last meeting). Remote participation was provided to 18 delegates (10%). The final list of participants is available in TD 452R2/Plen.

Dates of next SG 16 meeting and interim Working Party meetings

The next meeting of ITU-T SG 16 is scheduled for Geneva, Switzerland, 14-25 January 2013. The meeting is expected be collocated in the first week with ITU-T SG 9 and IPTV-GSI. ISO/IEC JTC1 SC29/ WG11 (known as MPEG) will also meet in Geneva during the second week, to facilitate joint work on video coding and on IPTV terminals.
No interim working party meetings are planned.

Map of meeting reports & Liaison Statements (as seen by the SG 16 Plenary)

Meeting Report
Liaison Statements
16 in total)
Q20: TD 506/Plen
Work programme

Summary of Questions' Results

Question 1/16 summary

Q1/16 had a successful meeting and principally worked on progressing support of scalable video coding (SVC) in H.241/H.32x systems by adding the latest approved H.264 profiles
Q1/16 reviewed some input documents pertaining to the common text ITU-T Rec. H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1 and proposed two Recommendations for Consent: H.241 Amendment 1 and H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1 4th edition (which includes ISO/IEC 13818-1 Amd.7). The Question prepared one outgoing LS jointly with Q2/16 and plans on holding one interim Rapporteurs meeting.

Question 2/16 summary

Question 2/16 concluded a successful meeting, completing work on H.460.26 to allow media to be transported over H.225.0 and initiating a new work item to amend H.460.24 with new functionality.  The experts also reviewed incoming liaison statements and discussed other work items currently being progressed. The Question produced one outgoing LS together with Q1/16 and is planning on holding one interim rapporteurs meeting.

Question 3/16 summary

Question 3/16 met for six quarters to review 54 documents. Q3/16 continued work on a number of existing work items which has resulted in one Recommendation for Consent, ITU-T H.248.84 on NAT-traversal for peer-to-peer services.  One new work item was initiated, H.Sup.Prio “Priority traffic treatment by H.248 Gateways. A number of Recommendations (H.248.66, H.248.74) continue to be on hold, to the current unavailability of the needed / referenced IETF RFCs for Consent. Q3/16 prepared two liaison statements.

Question 4/16 summary

Question 4/16 made progress in the work on draft new Recommendation ITU-T H.EMQ “A cooperative architecture for enhanced multimedia QoS/QoE”.  In particular, the baseline text for H.EMQ was produced according to the discussion on contributions. Question 4 also reviewed the final version of Question text for the next study period. The Question is not planning on holding any interim meetings, and has not produced any outgoing liaison statements.

Question 5/16 summary

Question 5/16 had a successful meeting, and progressed work on the three work items.  Twenty two contributions on requirements, architecture, audio/video parameters and potential future work items were presented and discussed.  Updated baseline text for F.TPS-Reqs, F.TPS-Arch and H.TPS-AV was prepared and accepted. Incoming LS statements were reviewed, and one outgoing LS statement to SG 12 was prepared.  The Question is planning on holding one interim Rapporteur meeting.

Question 6/16 summary

The primary goals for Question 6/16 at this meeting of SG 16 were to review the progress of Q6/16, JCT-VC, and JPEG work, reach AAP Consent on JPEG work items that have reached sufficient maturity, consider maintenance needs, and plan future work. A substantial portion of the image coding work of Question 6/16 has been conducted jointly with ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29/WG 1 (JPEG/JBIG). A substantial portion of the video coding work of Question 6/16 is currently being conducted jointly with ISO/IEC JTC 1/ SC 29/WG 11 (MPEG) in an organization known as the Joint Collaborative Team (JCT) on Video Coding (JCT-VC). A meeting of the JCT-VC was held in a collocated fashion with this meeting of SG 16 under its auspices. The JCT-VC is tasked with development of a new video coding Recommendation known as High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC). A meeting of MPEG was also held nearby during the current meeting of SG 16. At the current meeting, interim agreement was put into place to establish an additional JCT with MPEG on 3D video coding extension development (pending confirmation by ISO/IEC JTC 1/SC 29). Q6/16 is planning to hold two Rapporteur meetings, two JCT-VC meetings, and two JCT 3D video extension meetings before the next SG 16 meeting in January 2013 and also to hold a meeting of the JCT-VC and of the JCT 3D video extension team in a collocated fashion with the next SG 16 meeting in January 2013 under its auspices (pending confirmation of meeting plans necessary to reflect WTSA decisions). The Questions prepared four outgoing Liaison Statements.

Question 7/16 summary

Question 7/16 reviewed the Media Coding Summary database (MCSD) and there are no changes from the 2011-11 version. The LS from ICANN related to the ongoing work in ICANN on IDN and especially on visual confusion in domain names was presented. The group decided to continue the work by correspondence on the scope of a work item and to send a reply LS to the ICANN. A reply LS was also sent to ITU-R SG 6 giving some feedback on the status of the work on codecs in SG 16.  The future activities, especially the work programme and the Question text for the next Study Period, were discussed. The Question is not planning any interim meetings.

Question 8/16 summary

Work on the GSTP-GSAD “Generic Sound Activity Detector” technical paper was completed. Updated material based on comments from the previous meeting, including the results of recent subjective tests using the G.720.1 VAD, was reviewed and adopted. GSTP-GSAD was submitted for Approval at this meeting. The text of the Question for the 2013-2016 Study Period remains as previously modified, with the focus on the application of GSAD technology in network speech enhancement devices. No interim meetings are planned.

Question 10/16 summary

Question 10/16 agreed to move for Consent under AAP four texts: (a) new ITU-T G.711.1 Revision containing new Annex E (Floating-point implementation of G.711.1 Annex D), new Annex F (Stereo embedded extension for G.711.1), and correction to Annex D test vectors; (b) new ITU-T G.722 Revision containing new Annex C (Floating-point implementation of G.722 Annex B), new Annex D (Stereo embedded extension for ITU-T G.722), and corrections related to G.722 main body text, Appendix II, and Annex B test vectors; (c) new G.729 Revision containing new Appendix IV (Enhanced voice activity detector using G.720.1 Annex A) and corrections to main body text; and (d) G.728 Amendment to Annex I. A new tool to validate the alternative implementations was produced and was used for validation of new G.711.1 Annex D and G.722 Annex E. The Question reviewed four liaison statements, and produced one outgoing liaison statement to ITU-T Study Group 12. Q10/16 also reviewed achievements of the current study period, and prepared for the next study period. Q10/16 is not planning on holding any Rapporteur meeting before the next SG 16 meeting.

Question 12/16 summary

Q12/16 reviewed a few incoming liaison statements and contributions to this meeting.  Experts continued discussion on topics related to information flows, capability exchange, signalling primitives, and signalling syntax for the Advanced Multimedia System (AMS). The Question did not prepare any liaison statements and is planning an interim Rapporteurs meeting.

Question 13/16 summary

Question 13/16 reviewed 42 contributions, and produced 30 output documents, in addition to four liaison statements. Rwanda requested assistance in creating an IPTV test bed in Africa for demonstrating viability and interoperability of IPTV services based on ITU-T Recommendations; this will be investigated further. The group agreed to propose H.IPTV-FDSS, H.IPTV.AM.0-1 "IPTV application event handling: Overall aspects of audience measurement for IPTV services”, H.IPTV-WBTM, H.IPTV-MAFR.6 for consent at this SG16 meeting. It also agreed to propose HSTP.CONF-H761 “Conformance testing specification for H.761” for approval. Q13/16 agreed to create four new work items, H.DSS-AM “Audience Measurement for Digital Signage”, HSTP.HIPTV “Technical Paper on Hybrid IPTV”, HSTP.IPTV-Gloss “Technical Paper on Terminology”, and HSTP.CONF-MAFR.6 Conformance Testing for MAFR.6. It held a joint meeting with Q28/16 on e-health and with Q3/13 on mobile IPTV. It discussed and changed the text of its Terms of Reference, which now includes Connected TV as well as “Smart TV” within its scope. Q13/16 prepared four outgoing Liaison Statements. One of the LSs asks DVB to register MAFR as possible options that DVB signal carries as application. Another LS asks ECMA to jointly coordinate work on (Javascript-based) Script Languages, such as LIME-Script (H.762) and the newly to-be-consented H.IPTV-MAFR.6. The group plans on holding three interim meetings before the next SG16 meeting in January 2013.

Question 14/16 summary

The goal for this meeting of Q14/16 was to continue the development/maintenance of Recommendations V.150.1, V.151, V.152 and T.38. An update to the T.38 Implementors Guide was submitted for approval. The question plans no Rapporteurs meetings and has not produced any outgoing Liaison Statements.

Question 15/16 summary

Question 15/16 experts discussed one contribution and ten temporary documents at this meeting. The text of Q15/16 for the next study period was updated.  One interim meeting is proposed, and no outgoing LSs were prepared.

Question 16/16 summary

Revised ITU-T G.160 (V2) (Voice enhancement devices) was put forward for Consent at this meeting. This version includes updates to the noise reduction metrics in Appendix II, including the addition of ANSI-C source code and test vectors as an electronic attachment. A new Appendix to ITU-T G.168 (Digital network echo cancellers) on “Guidance on echo canceller orientation in conference bridge applications” was approved at this meeting. The draft texts of G.168 (V8), new G.169 Annex B (Automatic listener enhancement) and new G.168 Annex E (Embedded echo cancellers) were reviewed and updated. A new draft Recommendation on “Do no harm testing” (G.DNH) was started at this meeting following a review of relevant case studies. The text of the Question for the next Study Period was reviewed and one interim meeting was proposed. No LSs were prepared at this meeting.

Question 18/16 summary

At this meeting, Question 18/16 advanced the work on Recommendations for draft new ITU-T G.SPNE "Signal Processing Network Equipment", revised ITU-T G.161 "Interaction aspects of signal processing network equipment" and revised ITU-T G.799.2 "Mechanism for Dynamic Coordination of Voice Enhancement Signal Processing Functions". Revised ITU-T G.161 "Interaction aspects of signal processing network equipment" was completed and submitted for Consent at this meeting. The Question plans to hold one interim meeting. No Liaison Statements were prepared at this meeting.

Question 20/16 summary

Q20/16 reviewed input documents and summarized the information from Questions to two topics of SG 16-wide interest: response to JCA-CIT on their LS on regarding JCA-CIT draft document on Conformance and Interoperability Testing (CIT) needs and information for TSB on ITU’s conformity assessment program and ITU interop events and their relevance to ITU-T SG 16.

Question 21/16 summary

Q21/16 and Q22/16 met jointly for six quarters under the chairmanship of Mr Noah Luo. Updated Question text for a new Q21/16 (merged from current Q21/16, Q22/16 and Q24/16) was carefully reviewed. In visual surveillance, five contributions were reviewed. The initial texts for two new work items H.IVSreqs and H.VSMprot were adopted. Some new materials were brought forward for H.VSMarch, which were accepted. H.VSprot was submitted for Consent at this SG16 meeting as ITU-T H.627 after incorporating minor editorial changes. The Question did not prepare any outgoing LSs and is planning to hold one interim meeting.

Question 22/16 summary

Q21/16 and Q22/16 jointly met for six quarters under the chairmanship of Mr Noah Luo (also as acting rapporteur of Q21/16). Updated Question text for a new Q21/16 (merged from current Q21/16, Q22/16 and Q24/16) was carefully reviewed. In LIMS, two contributions were reviewed with new materials and accepted. The experts agreed to create a new work item to study generic network-based location information conversion (F.NBLICreqs). The Question did not prepare any outgoing LSs and is planning to hold one interim meeting.

Question 24/16 summary

Question 24/16 held three sessions and reviewed three contributions at the meeting. The Question intensively reviewed the draft new ITU-T F.746 (ex F.MOCC) "Requirements of multimedia optimization control components", and decided to submit it for Consent at this meeting. The Question also made some progress in the development of F.UDExch "User data exchange between functional components in network entities or terminals”. Since there is not enough participation in the discussion on the work item H.SA&TCFC, the Question agreed to stop work on H.SA&TCFC “Service Awareness and Traffic Control Functional Component” at this meeting. The Question does not plan any interim Rapporteurs meeting and did not produce any liaison statements.

Question 25/16 summary

Question 25/16 discussed 24 Contributions and eight Liaison Statements. During the meeting, Q25/16 agreed to submit five draft new Recommendations for Consent at the SG16 Closing Plenary. Q25/16 made progress in the work on six draft new Recommendations. In addition, Q25/16 decided to start four new work items including H.IoT-Reqts “Common service requirements for Internet of Things (IoT) applications and services”, H.USN-WQA “Requirements of water quality assessment services in USN”, H.IoT-ID “Requirements and common characteristics of IoT identifier for IoT service” and H.WoT-SA “Web of Things service architecture”. At the meeting, Q25/16 produced 15 output documents including the meeting report, the revised text of on-going draft Recommendations and two outgoing Liaison Statements. The Question will meet once in the interregnum period, during the IoT-GSI in Sep. 2012.

Question 26/16 summary

Question 26/16 continued its work on the Technical Paper on Relay Services for Persons with Disabilities (FSTP-RSDP). Good progress was made and the document should be ready for approval by the next meeting of SG16. Mme Peltz Strauss (FCC, USA) provided an interesting presentation on the legal framework covering accessibility in the USA. The Question reviewed the report of FG-AVA and recommend that SG16 approve the report and the request to extend the period of operation of the FG till January 2013. No LSs were prepared at this meeting.

Question 27/16 summary

At this meeting, Question 27/16 reviewed vehicle telecommunications related work including the work in Focus Groups, ITU-T Study Groups, and other Standards Development Organizations. The Question advanced the work on the draft new Recommendations F.VGP-REQ "Service and functional requirements of vehicle gateway platforms" and F.VGP-FAM "Functional architecture model of vehicle gateway platforms". Q27/16 does not plan to hold any interim Rapporteurs meeting and did not prepare any outgoing liaison statements.

Question 28/16 summary

Question 28/16 was addressed in one session during the SG 16 meeting under the chairmanship of Mr Masahito Kawamori (NTT, Japan). It reviewed one contribution on F.EHMMF. Q28/16 produced two documents, including one LS (jointly with Q13/16). Q28/16 had a joint meeting with Q13/16. The Vice-Chairman of SG 11, Mr Kaoru Kenyoshi, participated in the joint meeting and proposed closer collaboration between SG 11 and SG 16 especially with Q28/16 on e-health. The group agreed and Q28/16 will join Q13/16 to have a joint meeting with SG 11 during the next IPTV-GSI event. The Question produced no outgoing Liaison Statements.

Recommendations Consented by SG 16 on the closing Plenary

ITU-T F.746 (ex F.MOCC) "Requirements of multimedia optimization control components " (New)
ITU-T F.747.1 (ex F.USN-SM) "Capabilities of ubiquitous sensor network (USN) for supporting requirements of smart metering services" (New)
ITU-T F.747.2 (ex F.USN-CC) "Deployment guidelines for ubiquitous sensor network (USN) applications and services for mitigating climate change" (New)
ITU-T G.160 (V2) "Voice Enhancement Devices" (Rev.)
ITU-T G.161 "Interaction aspects of signal processing network equipment" (Rev.)
ITU-T G.711.1 "Wideband embedded extension for G.711 pulse code modulation" (Rev.)
ITU-T G.722 "7 kHz audio-coding within 64 kbit/s" (Rev.)
ITU-T G.728 "Coding of speech at 16 kbit/s using low-delay-code excited linear prediction" (Rev.)
ITU-T G.729 "Coding of speech at 8 kbit/s using conjugate-structure algebraic-code-excited linear prediction (CS-ACELP)" (Rev.)
ITU-T H.222.0 | ISO/IEC 13818-1 "Information technology - Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information: Systems" (Rev.)
ITU-T H.241 (2012) Amd.1 "Extended video procedures and control signals for H.300-series terminals: Support for the Constrained High, Scalable Constrained Baseline, and Scalable Constrained High H.264 profiles" (New)
ITU-T H.248.84 (ex H.248.NATTP2P) " Gateway control protocol: NAT-traversal for peer-to-peer services" (New)
ITU-T H.460.26 "Using H.225.0 call signalling connection as transport for media" (New)
ITU-T H.627 (ex H.VSprot) "Signalling and Protocols for visual surveillance" (New)
ITU-T H.642.1 (ex H.IDscheme) "Multimedia information access triggered by tag-based identification: Identification scheme" (New)
ITU-T H.642.2 (ex H.ID-RA) "Multimedia information access triggered by tag-based identification: Registration procedures for identifier" (New)
ITU-T H.642.3 (ex H.IRP) | ISO/IEC 29177 "Information technology - Automatic identification and data capture technique - Identifier resolution protocol for multimedia information access triggered by tag-based identification" (New)
ITU-T H.730 (ex H.IPTV-WBTM) "Web-based terminal middleware for IPTV services"(New)
ITU-T H.741.1 (H.IPTV.AM.0-1) "IPTV application event handling: Audience measurement operations for IPTV services" (New)
ITU-T H.741.2 (ex H.IPTV.AM.0-2) "IPTV application event handling: Data structures of audience measurement for IPTV services" (New)
ITU-T H.741.3 (ex H.IPTV-AM.0-3) "IPTV application event handling: Audience measurement for IPTV distributed content services" (New)
ITU-T H.741.4 (ex H.IPTV-AM.0-4) "IPTV application event handling: Transport mechanisms for audience measurement" (New)
ITU-T H.764 (ex H.IPTV-MAFR.6) "IPTV Service Enhanced Script Language" (New)
ITU-T H.780 (ex H.FDSS): "Digital signage: Service requirements and IPTV-based architecture" (New)
ITU-T T.801 (2002) | ISO/IEC 15444-2 (2004) Amd.4 "Information technology - JPEG 2000 image coding system: Extensions: Block coder extension" (New)***
ITU-T T.813 | ISO/IEC 15444-14 "Information technology - JPEG 2000 image coding system: XML structural representation and reference" (New)
ITU-T T.86 (1998) | ISO/IEC 10918-4:1999 Amd.1 "Information technology - Registration of JPEG profiles, SPIFF profiles, SPIFF tags, SPIFF colour spaces, APPn markers, SPIFF compression types, and Registration Authorities (REGAUT): Application specific marker list" (New)
ITU-T T.872 (ex T.JPEGprint) | ISO/IEC 10918-6 "Information technology - Digital compression and coding of continuous-tone still images: Application to printing systems" (New)
*: some texts are subject to editorial clean-up before posting. Hence, the version posted may differ slightly from the TD indicated. In particular, clean-up will be performed in the text and source code of G.722 Annexes C and D and G.711.1 Annexes E and F.
**: expected AAP Announcement for Last Call
***: Although approved as ITU-T T.801 (2002) | ISO/IEC 15444-2 (2004) Amd.4, the final text is likely to be published as Amd.3 in order to maintain sequential ordering for the approved amendments.

Recommendations Approved by SG 16 on the closing Plenary (according to A.8 §5)

None at this meeting. 

Recommendations Decided by SG 16 on the closing Plenary

None at this meeting. 

Other texts approved by SG 16

ITU-T G.168 Amd.1 " Digital network echo cancellers: New Appendix VII on guidance on echo canceller orientation in conference bridge applications" (New)
Implementors’ Guides
ITU-T T.38 Implementors' Guide (Rev.)
Technical Papers and other materials
ITU-T HSTP.CONF-H761 " Technical Paper: Conformance testing specification for H.761" (New)
ITU-T GSTP-GSAD "Technical Paper: Generic Sound Activity Detector" (New)
Preliminary Call for Proposals on Scalable Video Coding Extensions of High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC)
Terms of Reference of the Joint Collaborative Team on 3D Video Coding Extension Development (JCT-3DVE)
Updates to the SG 16 Mandate and Lead SG roles (WTSA-12 Res.2)
Text of SG 16 Questions to be proposed to WTSA-12
Elements for SG 16 Chairman Report to WTSA-12
NOTE – No Supplements approved at this SG 16 meeting.

Recommendations agreed for deletion by SG 16

None at this meeting.

Updates in the SG 16 management team and Rapporteurs

(Click here for the complete list of SG 16 Rapporteurs)


  • No new/modified appointments at this meeting.

New Appointments:

  • No new/modified appointments at this meeting.

Representatives and other roles:

  • No new/modified appointments at this meeting.
See the webpage for the latest information.

Open positions:

  • No open position replacement is sought, as this was the last meeting in the study period