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Part 2: Approved ICT Security Standards

​​This part of the Security Standards Roadmap is also known as the ITU-T ICT Security Standard Database (new ITU-T roadmap tool since September 2017) ​listing 2670+ existing, approved ICT security standards of ATIS, ETSI, IEEE, IETF, ISO, ISO/IEC JTC 1, ITU-T, OASIS, oneM2M, 3D@home, 3GPP and 3GPP2. Standards of other SDOs could be included as the Roadmap becomes more established. 

[Below is a description of an old version of the ICT Security Standard Roadmap: 

Note: the listing of standards included in this section is not yet complete. In particular, the ISO/IEC listings are incomplete in that they include only standards from a subset of the Technical Committees.

Each entry provides the subject of the standard, a short abstract or description, a document reference (e.g. ITU-T Rec. X.800, ISO/IEC 17799, IETF RFC 3631), the date of publication/approval and the responsible SDO. There is also provision for a short comment or linkage to the standard where it is available on-line. In some cases this link takes the user to a location where a free download of the standard may be obtained. In cases where the standard is sold, rather than freely-distributed, the link is to the location from which the standard may be purchased and downloaded. In a small number of cases standards are listed that are approved but not yet published or that are in the final stages of approval. In these cases, no hotlink is provided. Copies of the most recent version of the text of these standards can usually be obtained from the originating SDO. 
The standards are listed by topic. Initially, the taxonomy for listing the standards will be kept very simple to ease the task of compilation. However, it is anticipated that the taxonomy will be expanded as the number of entries grows and as the editors gain experience in presenting the entries. It is also likely that some standards will occupy more than one category within the taxonomy.
The user may select one of two views: the Organizational View lists standards by participating organization; the Functional View lists standards by topic.

Under the Functional View, opening a topic folder will provide a list of the standards included under that particular topic. More details on any particular standard are available by clicking on the link to standard. This takes the user to a new summary view entitled Work Item Details. Additional information is available about the group responsible for the standard and about the standard itself from this view. By selecting the standard (as listed in the Reference box of the Work Item View) a link is provided either to the standard itself or to the source of the standard. (Note: some organizations make their standards freely available while other organizations charge for their standards.)

Under the Organizational View, standards are listed under the responsible organization and subgroup. As with the Functional View, selecting the standard itself takes the user to the Work Item View mentioned above.


The taxonomy chosen for this Roadmap is fairly simple though categories are added as the Roadmap is developed and expands. Currently, standards are listed under the following primary categories:
  • General ICT security guidance documents
  • Security Architectures, Models and Frameworks
  • Security management standards and guidance documents
  • Security policy and policy mechanisms
  • Security assessment and evaluation criteria
  • Security Assurance
  • Baseline security requirements
  • Intrusion Detection
  • Security services
    • Generic Security Services
    • Access Control services
    • Authentication Services
    • Trusted Third Party services
    • Audit and Alarms services
    • Authorization
  • Security mechanisms
    • Access Control mechanisms
    • Authentication mechanisms
    • Confidentiality mechanisms
    • Integrity mechanisms
    • Non-repudiation mechanisms
    • Generic security mechanisms
      1. Biometrics
      2. Check systems
      3. Crypto utilities
      4. Digital Signature mechanisms
      5. Electronic signatures
      6. Encryption Algorithms & techniques
      7. Hash Functions
      8. Miscellaneous cryptographic mechanisms
      9. Smart cards
      10. Trusted Third party mechanisms
      11. Time Stamping
  • Application layer security
  • Business continuity
  • Content protection
  • Critical Infrastructure Protection
  • Cybersecurity
  • Digital identity
  • Directories
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Emergency Services
  • Identity management
  • Incident management
  • IPTV security
  • Key management
  • Lawful interception
  • Malicious Code
  • Mobile security
  • Network Management
  • Network security
  • Network Layer security
  • Next Generation Networks
  • Patch Management
  • PKI
  • Privacy
  • Risk assessment
  • Security audit
  • Security certificates
  • Secure messaging
  • Security terminology and glossaries
  • Security protocol standards
  • Spam and Spyware
  • Transport Layer security
  • Threats and threat assessment
  • Trust
  • Vulnerabilities and security analysis
  • Web services
  • Wireless
  • Sector-specific security standards
    • Facsimile
    • Mobile
    • Miscellaneous
    • Multimedia
    • Security of television signals and services
    • Satellite

Acronyms and Abbreviations

Cor - Corrigendum
BCP – Best Current Practice (IETF)
ETSI – European Telecommunications Standards Institute
EG – ETSI Guide
EN – European Standard
ES – ETSI Standard
EXP – Experimental (IETF)
FCD – Final Committee Draft (ISO/IEC)
PDTR – Proposed Draft Technical Report (ISO/IEC)
FDIS – Final Draft International Standard (ISO/IEC)
IEEE – Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IETF – Internet Engineering Task Force
Info. – Informational (IETF)
IS – International Standard (ISO/IEC)
ISO/IEC – International Organization for Standardization/International Electrotechnical Commission
ITU-T –International Telecommunication Union, Telecommunication Standardization Sector
JTC 1 – Joint Technical Committee 1 (of ISO/IEC)
MI – Miscellaneous deliverable (ETSI)
NP – New work Proposal (ISO/IEC)
PP – Pre-published document (ATIS)
Rec. – ITU-T Recommendation
RFC – Request for Comment (IETF)
SC – Subcommittee (of ISO/IEC JTC 1)
SD – Standing Document (ISO/IEC JTC1 SC27)
SG – Study Group (of ITU-T)
SR – Special Report (ETSI)
TR – Technical Report (ETSI, ISO/IEC, 3GPP)
TS – Technical Specification (ETSI, 3GPP)
WD – Working Draft (ISO/IEC)


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