Committed to connecting the world

Part 5: Security best practices

All members are encouraged to contribute examples of non-proprietary security best practices to this section.

The following work on best practices has so far been identified for inclusion in this section of the Roadmap. Note, except where noted, the links provided are to the English language versions of the documents. However, in many cases, the documents are available in other languages. Please see the web sites of the originating organizations to check for editions in other languages.

General IT Security Best Practices
European Network and Information Security Agency
Information Security Forum
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Security Awareness
European Network and Information Security Agency
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Cyber Security and Networking
European Network and Information Security Agency
Network Interoperability and Reliability Council
Focus Groups of the Network Interoperability and Reliability Council have developed recommended best practices in the areas of cyber security, wireless security and public data network reliability. Links to these reports are as follows:
Homeland Security
Network Best Practices
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Electronic Authentication and Personal Identification
European Network and Information Security Agency
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Electronic Signatures
European Telecommunications Standards Institute
This document defines a set of practices applicable to the various security related aspects of signing fiscally relevant documents when issued and storing them for legal purposes.
E-mail Security
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Financial Services Security
Payment Card Industry
This standard defines 12 key requirements organized into six control groups (Build and Maintain a Secure Network, Protect Cardholder Data, Maintain a Vulnerability Management Program, Implement Strong Access Control Measures, Regularly Monitor and Test Networks, and Maintain an Information Security Policy.)
Incident Management, Monitoring and Response
European Network and Information Security Agency
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Media and End User Device Security
European Network and Information Security Agency
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Mobile Device Security
European Network and Information Security Agency
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Network Security and Information Exchange
European Network and Information Security Agency
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Operating System and Server Security
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Planning, Testing and Security Management
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Security
Risk Management
European Network and Information Security Agency
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Security Metrics
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Security Policy
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Spam, Spyware and Malicious Code
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Web Security
European Network and Information Security Agency
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Wireless Networks
National Institute of Standards and Technology
Network Interoperability and Reliability Council

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