Committed to connecting the world

Preparatory Documentation

​​The English versions of the documents are the originals. The other five languages have been prepared  using an Artificial Intelligence-based neural network translation tool and a minor human revision. No liability is assumed by ITU for any errors, omissions, or ambiguities in the translations provided.

​Introduction - WTSA-20 and GSS - India
Telecommunication Standardization Bureau - ITU​
​English only
Part I - Overview of Remote Participation​​
Telecommunication Standardization Bureau - ITU
AR​ | EN​ | ES​ | FR​​ | RU​ | ​ZH
​Part II - Overview of IT Tools
Telecommunication Standardization Bureau - ITU 
AR​​ | EN​​ | ES​ | FR​​ | RU​ | ​ZH

​​The presentation below is intended as an introduction to the work of WTSA-20. The presentation covers the objectives of the Assembly, its structure and workflows. The tutorial video presentations of the slides below can be found on the webcasts page. 

Part III - WTSA-20 Docs briefing for delegates: structure, documentation and workflow
Telecommunication Standardization Bureau - ITU 


MyMeetings: The MyWorkspace Remote Participation Tool