Committed to connecting the world

Objective T.5

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​T.5: Extend and facilitate cooperation with international, regional and national standardization bodies

T.5-1: Increased communications with other standards organizations.
​T.5-2: Decreased number of conflicting standards
​T.5-3: Increased number of memoranda of understanding / collaboration agreements with other organizations
​T.5-4: Increased number of ITU-T A.4, A.5 and A.6 qualified organizations​
T.5-5: Increased number of workshops/events organized jointly with other organizations​​​
​​​​​​​​​​​​(if you do not see a set of charts here, please use a browser other​ than Internet Explorer)​​
T.5-1 Memoranda of understanding (MoUs) and collaboration agreements
T.5-2 ITU-T A.4/A.5/A.6 qualifications​
​T.5-3 Jointly organized workshop/events

T.5-1 Memoranda of understanding (MoUs) and collaboration agreements 

See section T.1-5.

T.5-2 ITU-T A.4/A.5/A.6 qualifications​

A list of all A.4/5/6 qualified organizations, including organizations under evaluation, is available on a dedicated webpage.​

T.5-3 Jointly organized workshop/events

World Standards Cooperation: 1-2 December 2015, Geneva: ITU, IEC and ISO conducted a joint WSC Workshop on conformity assessment. 
22-23 January 2015, Seattle, US: WSC Roundtable.
26 August 2015, Incheon, Korea: WSC Academic Day 2015 “Knowledge of Standards: the added value”.


A joint UNU-ITU-UNIDO-WIPO-ECLAC-Basel Convention Side Event on “1st Global E-waste Monitor and the Specific Situation in Latin America” was held in Geneva, Switzerland, on 11 May 2015, during the meetings of the conferences of the parties to the Basel, Rotterdam and Stockholm conventions (BC COP-12, RC COP-7, SC COP-7). These events were hosted by the Secretariat of the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Convention.

Conformity and interoperability

7-8 September 2015, Bangkok, Thailand: 3rd Joint APT/ITU Conformance and Interoperability Event.

Emergency communications

22-24 September 2015, Rome, Italy: ITU/WMO/OASIS Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) Jump-Start and CAP Implementation Workshop.

Intelligent Transport Systems

Co-located with meetings of Collaboration on ITS Communication Standards: 28-29 July 2015, Beijing, China: ITU-CCSA-RIOH workshop on ‘How communications will change vehicles & transport’. December 2015, Arlington, USA: ITU-TIA workshop on vehicle communications.

Green Standards Week in Nassau, The Bahamas

14 December 2015: 10th ITU Symposium on ICTs, Environment & Climate Change - From the New Climate Agreement to the New Urban Agenda, jointly organized with UN-Habitat.

15 December 2015: Forum on “Turning the E-waste Challenge into an Opportunity”, jointly organized by BCRC-Caribbean, CRBAS, ECLAC, ITU, UNESCO, UNIDO and UNU. 16 December 2015: Training on “Green ICT Policies and Standards”, jointly organized by CRBAS, ECLAC, and ITU.

17-18 December 2015: Forum on “Powering Smart Sustainable Cities with the Internet of Things”, jointly organized by ITU, UN-Habitat and UNESCO.

Accessible IPTV

A workshop promoting Recommendation ITU-T H.702 “First Symposium on Media Accessibility and IPTV – Media Accessibility for Now / IPTV for All” was organized in Tokyo, Japan, 4 December 2015, by the IPTV Accessibility Consortium with the support of ITU members.
Themed ‘Better Quality of Life with Global Standards: an Accessible World for All’, ITU’s 3rd IPTV Application Challenge, focusing on accessibility, was launched jointly with the International Paralympic Committee (IPC​). The Challenge aims at raising awareness of the importance of multimedia and multimodal audiovisual accessibility for everyone, especially persons with a variety of levels and types of disability. The Challenge promotes innovative ideas that could be further developed towards deployment in systems built in conformance with ITU-T’s international IPTV standards. The winning applications will be showcased, with prizes awarded to the creators, at the Rio 2016 Paralympic Games.

Bridging the standardization gap​

See section T.2-2​.

​Intellectual property rights

ITU, in collaboration with the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, GSM Association, University College London and George Washington University co-organized the second edition of the Patents in Telecoms Conference from 5-6 November 2015. This event, which took place at George Washington University, Washington DC, USA, brought together key representatives of a wide range of industry, standards bodies, judges and competition authorities to discuss the topics of innovation and standardization, standard essential patents, non-practicing entities and privateering. Approximately 180 participants have been able to engage with internationally renowned experts and exchange views and experiences and identify possible solutions to the key issues affecting the industry in the field of competition, patents and standards. Additional details about the event may be found here. The third edition of this Conference will take place in November 2016 in Washington DC, USA.​