Page 16 - Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2016
P. 16

Figure 4.0: Overview Diagram of interop

                            TECHNOLOGICAL                               DATA
                         Hardware and code that                         Ability of interconnected systems
                               allows connection                        to understand each other

                            Effective engagement                         Ability to understand and
                               of societal systems                      act on data exchange
                              INSTITUTIONAL                             HUMAN

               Source: ITU
               role that governments and regulators can play in   Second, sector regulators have been thrust
               shaping the interop landscape. Finally, the chapter   into a multi- sectoral space, due to the cross-
               concludes by identifying some of the biggest    cutting nature of disruptive innovation. This has
               questions and challenges for interoperability   broadened their domain and capacity to influence
               among future technologies.                      regulation and policy across sectors. But regulators
                                                               must reach out and collaborate proactively, not just
                                                               reactively, going forward. In addition, the multi-
               Chapter 5: M-services and applications:         sectoral entry has brought in new stakeholders,
                      Perspectives on regulatory               which the sector regulator needs to identify and
                      measures to foster diffusion and         engage in order to leverage for mutual benefit.
                      access                                   Third, a flexible, transparent approach that
                                                               promotes competition will allow innovation to
               Mobile services and applications are playing    thrive and provide incentives for investment
               a prominent role within the broader digital     and, ultimately, consumer benefit. Greater
               ecosystem to unlock economic opportunities      consideration is, therefore, required in the
               and provide critical services to citizens. As   development of regulatory frameworks that will
               consumer demands are placed on them, disruptive   govern the growth of the digital ecosystem in
               technologies and innovation are bringing about   order to ensure that it continues to surprise the
               new possibilities for the future. Governments,   world and stretch the imagination with new ideas
               regulators, consumers and indeed the world      and innovations.
               are only beginning to understand the true
               development potential of mobile services and    For this to happen, the regulator needs to adopt
               applications. A few truths are emerging.        a delicate balance. It has long been recognized
                                                               that regulation can have an impact on innovation,
               First, the old telecommunication “rules of      both positively and negatively. Regulators need
               engagement” may not stand the test of time,     an awareness to foster the inter-dependencies
               and some aspects of regulations may need to be   necessary to enable the digital ecosystem to
               re-written to address the changing environment.   evolve into a healthy environment. But they also
               There is a need to depart from rigid rules and to   have to deter and punish discordant players for
               adopt a “light-touch” approach in order for the   rule violations. This balance requires a resolute
               regulatory framework to be more responsive to   approach and stakeholder support. Otherwise,
               the innovative ecosystem of m-services and apps.   innovation can tend to take a backseat when
               The regulatory scope of competition, universal   straddled by complex issues and uncertain rules.
               service, resource allocation, interoperability and
               standards (among others) needs to be reviewed.  This chapter seeks to explore regulatory
                                                               perspectives that can be considered in facilitating

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