Page 50 - Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2016
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Box 1.14: Key lessons: Star Citizen
                       •  Donation crowdfunding is typically exempt from regulation by financial services
                          regulators, and can therefore be relatively straightforward to set up and to attract
                          investors. However, investors should be aware that the lack of financial regulation may
                          introduce risks, and they should be prepared to undertake their own due diligence to
                          assess that risk.

                       •  The Star Citizen project was funded using a combination of crowdfunding from a
                          private platform (Kickstarter) and from the project’s own website – thus reducing fees
                          paid to the third party platform. This two-pronged approach can lower the costs for
                          crowdfunding, but the project may lose visibility, particularly if the website is new or not
                          seeing heavy traffic.

                       •  Donation crowdfunding is more likely to be successful in developed markets where
                          investors are also potential end users.

               This approach proved to be so successful that   is not seen by regulators as an investment and is
               the developer no longer needed to source        exempt from regulation.
               funds from private investors. Since October
               2012, the company has raised more than USD      Case study: Pebble, USA
               81 million . The vast majority of that amount
               was crowdfunded from the game’s website. Only   Pebble is a company that develops technology
               USD 2 million was raised from Kickstarter between   for a range of smart watches that allow users
               October and November 2012.  Overall, the game   to access apps using connectivity provided by
               received funds from almost 900 000 people, each   a smartphone. For this value proposition to
               paying an average of USD 90.
                                                               be feasible there must be good-quality data
               With this kind of fundraising, the investment risk
               is measured by the likelihood that the project will   The company is relatively small and lacks the
               be completed once the target funding is achieved   funds needed for product development. During
               and by how much has been invested. For this     its most recent fundraising session (April 2015),
               project, the investment risk was measured by the   Pebble raised more than USD 20 million from more
                                                               than 78 000 backers on Kickstarter. Pebble saw
                                                               Kickstarter as the easiest and most efficient way
               •  the low minimum investment required (only    to market its latest product to the audience most
                   USD 90); and
                                                               likely to want it. As a result, the company achieved
                                                               its fund-raising target within three months.
               •  the project founder’s strong track record in
                   developing video games.
                                                               The minimum required investment in Pebble was
                                                               USD 159, in return for which the investors received
               An added benefit for the individual investors   a discounted price on a Pebble watch – the higher
               was that they could influence how the game was   the investment, the lower the price. Backers of the
               developed based on how much they invested. In   project also received the watch before it was made
               addition, investors also had early and free access   available to the general public.
               to the game,  which was due on the market in
               2015 .
                                                               As mentioned in the previous case study, the
                                                               intervention of financial services regulators in this
               Financial services regulators do not typically   type of fund-raising approach is unlikely.
               regulate donation crowdfunding. This model
               corresponds to something like a charitable
               donation or a non-monetary reward. As a result, it

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