Page 52 - Trends in Telecommunication Reform 2016
P. 52

Box 1.16: Key lessons: Shyp
                       •  Shyp used equity crowdfunding to raise funds needed to launch the company. Securing a
                          ‘featured’ position in the crowdfunding platform enhanced Shyp’s chances of succeeding
                          in its fundraising.

                       •  The popularity of equity-based crowd-funding means that financial regulators and
                          governments may need to start applying rules to protect consumers and investors in the
                          event the firm collapses.

                       •  The ability of firms to attract funding depends on the growth of digital industries and
                          the e-commerce sector. Governments, therefore, may determine that they have a
                          responsibility to promote the use of e-services to drive take-up and demand.

               manager provide the financing. Research shows   Allan Murdoch, Hipcom’s former owner, wanted
               that this funding approach is currently available   to invest in the company without diluting his
               only in the UK, although it is possible that other   equity or losing control of the company. Murdoch
               countries could offer it in future.             decided to use his own pension fund to capitalize
                                                               his business expansion. The fund manager
               The investment risk for this approach can be    provided a loan to Hipcom based on Murdoch’s
               relatively low for the investor. The loan cannot   pension fund amount. In return, Hipcom agreed to
               exceed 50 per cent of the pension fund’s net asset   pay an interest rate to the fund manager.
               value and may also be secured against an asset of
               similar or higher value .                       The level of risk for the lender is relatively low
                                                               in this case. The loan value must not exceed 50
               Case study: Hipcom, UK                          per cent of the pension fund’s net asset value
                                                               and other company assets also can be used as
               This case study was chosen to show how a        collateral. Murdoch raised GBP 684 000 over
               government can facilitate the use of financial   three stages (GPB 329 000, GBP 155 000 and GBP
               resources that otherwise would be relatively static   200 000). With this approach, he managed to
               or untapped. Hipcom is a cloud communication    strengthen Hipcom and retain the same equity
               company whose main business is buying           stake in the business.
               telecommunication licences from providers and
               upgrading them for resale. This process is lengthy,
               and for the business to grow it requires additional
               sums of capital to buy new licences.

                   Box 1.17: Key lessons: Hipcom
                       •  Hipcom obtained loans by using its owner’s pension fund as collateral, allowing the
                          business to expand and be more competitive.

                       •  For pension fund managers, this funding approach can generate additional revenue from
                          using existing funds as collateral for loans.

                       •  This type of investment approach depends on government policy allowing pension funds
                          to be used for such a purpose. By facilitating the use of resources that otherwise would
                          be static, the government can create an incentive for people to increase their savings and
                          help businesses to find alternative financing sources.

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