Page 299 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
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Study Group 5 of the ITU ‐T (Environment and Climate Change) is also introducing a new question
            on the smart grid.

            There are initiatives  that target to group energetic networks as electricity and gas networks.
            In  the  Area  of  Business  management,  the  development  of  technologies  for  creating  new
            environments of Network Operation (including simulation tools and estimation states), the Active
            Demand Management and the Planning and Optimization of Operations, are included.
            In the area of Platform Integration and Communication, the Focus Group on Smart Grid worked on
            the proceedings of acquiring and processing information in real time (with the difficulties of the
            huge volumes of information that will be generated and the criticality of their availability), the
            necessary infrastructure to management and recharging of electric vehicles and requirements of
            supervision  and  control  of  micro‐grids.  These  are  smart  networks  of  distribution  self‐managed
            locally, so they can function both connected to the distribution network as isolated from it.
            The Network Intelligent Devices will include new techniques of signals acquisition, the development
            of smart devices of energetic register and automation of network equipment.

            The European Commission has done intensive work on the subject; there is a working group on this
            issue. The Smart Grids Task Force (SGTF) was set up by the European Commission (EC) at the end of
            2009. The SGTF reached a consensus over the last two years on policy and regulatory directions for
            the deployment of Smart Grids. The SGTF has also issued key Recommendations for standardization,
            consumer data privacy and security.
            Based  on  these  results,  during  2011  the  EC  has  adopted  the  "Communication  on  Smart  Grids"
            initiative,  which  issued  a  Mandate  for  Smart  Grids  standards  to  the  European  Standardization
            Organization and created an Inventory of Smart Grid projects and lessons learned in the European
            Union .
            In order to summarize the functionalities of smart grids, this document presents an extraction from
            "Definition, Expected Services, Functionalities and Benefits of Smart Grids" document:

            A       Enabling the network to integrate users with new requirements

            1       Facilitate connections at all voltages/locations for all existing and future devices with Smart
                    Grid solutions through the availability of technical data and additional grid information to:

                    ▪   simplify and reduce the cost of the connection process subject to maintain network
                    ▪   facilitate an 'open platform' approach – close to 'plug & play';
                    ▪   make connection options transparent;
                    ▪   facilitate connection of new load types, particularly electrical vehicle EV

                    ▪   ensure that the most efficient DER connection strategies can be pursued from a total
                        system perspective.


            32  As the Spanish Energos Project (led by the distribution of gas and electricity Union Fenosa) is a research
               project for the development of knowledge and technologies to advance the deployment of smart grid
               power distribution (Smart‐Grid). It is within the National Strategic Consortia for Technical Research (CENIT)
               to boost innovation and technological development in key areas of society.  The Center for Industrial
               Technological Development (CDTI) subsidizes half the budget, amounting to 24.3 million euros.


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