Page 946 - Shaping smarter and more sustainable cities - Striving for sustainable development goals
P. 946

NOTE 1 – The energy and resources management includes, but is not limited to: power supply, water supply
            and sanitation, oil supply, gas supply, and city minerals.
            The tasks include, but are not limited to:
                   developing guidelines for energy consumption in SSC (data collection, statistics, analysis,

                   developing guidelines for resources supervision in SSC.
                   developing guidelines for energy efficiency in SSC.
                   developing Recommendations for methodology of energy evaluation in the household.
                   providing the necessary collaboration for joint activities in this field between ITU‐T and

                    SDOs, consortia and forums conducting related work on SSC.
            NOTE 2 – ISO, IEC and ITU‐T are working on the smart grid and smart metering in energy and resources
            management as well as on energy efficiency. However, since the scope and boundary of the standards are
            not limited to the region of a city, more efforts related to integrated energy and resources management,
            including power, gas, water and sanitation in cities, are required.

            Standards related to the services of energy and resources management mentioned above are still
            required in the following area:
                   integrated energy and resources management of SSC (monitoring, statistic, analysis, etc.)

            ITU‐T FG Smart Grid (Focus Group on Smart Grid).

            ITU‐T WP3/SG5 (ICT and climate change).
            ITU‐T Q25/SG16 (IoT application and services).

            ISO/TC 282 (Water re‐use).
            ISO/TC 275 (Sludge recovery, recycling, treatment and disposal).
            ISO/TC 265 (Carbon dioxide capture, transportation, and geological storage).
            ISO/TC 257 (Evaluation of energy savings).

            ISO/TC 255 (Biogas).
            ISO/PC 248 (Sustainability criteria for bioenergy).

            ISO/TC 242 (Energy Management).
            ISO/TC 238 (Solid biofuels).
            ISO/TC 224 (Service activities relating to drinking water supply systems and wastewater systems ‐
            Quality criteria of the service and performance indicators).
            ISO/TC 180 (Solar energy).

            ISO/TC 163 (Thermal performance and energy use in the built environment).
            ISO/TC 85 (Nuclear energy, nuclear technologies, and radiological protection).
            ISO/IEC JTC 1/SG 1 (Information Technology/Smart Cities).

            IEC TC 57 (Power systems management and associated information exchange).
            CEN/CENELEC/ETSI Joint Working Group on Smart Grid.
            CEN/CENELEC/ETSI Joint Working Group on Smart Meters.

            936                                                      ITU‐T's Technical Reports and Specifications
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