Page 1156 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 1156

2                                                 Transport aspects

            During an IAE condition the code "1011" is inserted into the BEI/BIAE field and the error count is ignored.
            Otherwise  the  error  count  (0-8)  is  inserted  into  the  BEI/BIAE  field.  The  remaining  six  possible  values
            represented by these four bits can only result from some unrelated condition and shall be interpreted as
            zero errors (see Table 15-4) and BIAE not active.

            The ODUk contains one instance of ODU TCM BEI/BIAE overhead. The ODUCn contains n instances of the
            ODU TCMi BEI/BIAE overhead, numbered 1 to n (BEI/BIAE #1 to BEI/BIAE #n).

                                       Table 15-6  ODU TCM BEI/BIAE interpretation

                      ODUk TCM BEI/BIAE
                                                              BIAE                      BIP violations
             bits             1 2 3 4
                            0 0 0 0                           false                          0
                            0 0 0 1                           false                          1
                            0 0 1 0                           false                          2
                            0 0 1 1                           false                          3
                            0 1 0 0                           false                          4
                            0 1 0 1                           false                          5
                            0 1 1 0                           false                          6
                            0 1 1 1                           false                          7
                            1 0 0 0                           false                          8

                         1 0 0 1, 1 0 1 0                     false                          0
                            1 0 1 1                           true                           0
                        1 1 0 0 to 1 1 1 1                    false                          0

      ODU TCM status (STAT)

            For each tandem connection monitoring field, three bits are defined as status bits (STAT). They indicate the
            presence of a maintenance signal, if there is an incoming alignment error at the source TC-CMEP, or if there
            is no source TC-CMEP active (see Table 15-7).
            The ODUk and ODUCn contain one instance of ODU TCM STAT overhead.

                                        Table 15-7  ODU TCM status interpretation

                           TCM byte 3
             bits              6 7 8

                              0 0 0                 No source TC
                              0 0 1                 In use without IAE
                              0 1 0                 In use with IAE
                              0 1 1                 Reserved for future international standardization
                              1 0 0                 Reserved for future international standardization
                              1 0 1                 Maintenance signal: ODU-LCK
                                                    ODUk: Maintenance signal: ODUk-OCI
                              1 1 0
                                                    ODUCn: Reserved for future international standardization
                              1 1 1                 Maintenance signal: ODU-AIS

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