Page 1158 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 1158

2                                                 Transport aspects

      Blank clause

            This clause is intentionally left blank.
      ODU TCM delay measurement (DMti, i=1 to 6)
            For ODU tandem connection monitoring, a one-bit tandem connection delay measurement (DMti) signal is
            defined to convey the start of the delay measurement test.

            The ODUk and ODUCn contain one instance of ODU TCM DMti overhead.
            The DMti signal consists of a constant value (0 or 1) that is inverted at the beginning of a two-way delay
            measurement test. The transition from 01 in the sequence …0000011111…, or the transition from 10
            in the sequence …1111100000… represents the path delay measurement start point. The new value of the
            DMti signal is maintained until the start of the next delay measurement test.
            This DMti signal is inserted by the DMti originating TC-CMEP and sent to the far-end TC-CMEP. This far-end
            TC-CMEP loops back the DMti signal towards the originating TC-CMEP. The originating TC-CMEP measures
            the number of frame periods between the moment the DMti signal value is inverted and the moment this
            inverted  DMti  signal  value  is  received  back  from  the  far-end  TC-CMEP.  The  receiver  should  apply  a
            persistency check on the received DMti signal to be tolerant for bit errors emulating the start of delay
            measurement indication. The additional frames that are used for such persistency checking should not be
            added  to the  delay  frame  count.  The  looping  TC-CMEP  should  loop  back  each  received DMti  bit within
            approximately 100 µs.

            Refer to [ITU-T G.798] for the specific tandem connection delay measurement process specifications.
            NOTE 1 – Tandem connection delay measurements can be performed on-demand, to provide the momentary two-
            way  transfer  delay  status,  and  pro-active,  to  provide  15-minute  and  24-hour  two-way  transfer  delay  performance
            management snapshots.
            NOTE 2 – Equipment designed according to the 2008 or earlier versions of this Recommendation may not be capable
            of supporting this tandem connection delay monitoring. For such equipment, the DMti bit is a bit reserved for future
            international standardization.
            NOTE 3 – This process measures a round trip delay. The one way delay may not be half of the round trip delay in the
            case  where  the  transmit  and  receive  directions  of  the  ODUk  tandem  connection  are  of  unequal  lengths  (e.g.,  in
            networks deploying unidirectional protection switching).

      ODU TCM reserved overhead (RES)
            For  tandem  connection  monitoring,  12  bits  in  the  TCMi  overhead  are  reserved  for  future  international
            standardization in TCMi OH #2 to #n. The value of these bits is set to "0".
            The ODUk contains no ODU TCMi RES overhead. The ODUCn contains n-1 instances of the ODU TCMi RES

     ODU general communication channels (GCC1, GCC2)
            Two  fields  of  two  bytes  are  allocated  in  the  ODU  overhead  to  support  two  general  communications
            channels or two discovery channels as specified in [ITU-T G.7714.1] between any two network elements
            with access to the ODU frame structure (i.e., at 3R regeneration points).

            These general communication channels are clear channels and any format specification is outside of the
            scope of this Recommendation. The bytes for GCC1 are located in row 4, columns 1 and 2, and the bytes for
            GCC2 are located in row 4, columns 3 and 4 of the ODU overhead.

            The ODUk contains one instance of ODU GCC1, GCC2 overhead. The ODUCn contains n instances of the
            ODU GCC1, GCC2 overhead, numbered 1 to n (GCC1 #1 to GCC1 #n, GCC2 #1 to GCC2 #n).

            The GCC1 #1 to #n overhead are combined to provide one communication channel as illustrated in Figure
            15-25 with an approximated bandwidth of n × 13.768 Mbit/s.

            The GCC2 #1 to #n overhead are combined to provide another communication channel as illustrated in
            Figure 15-25 with an approximated bandwidth of n × 13.768 Mbit/s.

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