Page 1177 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 1177

Transport aspects                                              2

            Under  transient  ppm  offset  conditions  (e.g., AIS  to  normal  signal),  it  is  possible  that  Cn  and  Cm  values
            outside the range Cn,min to Cn,max and Cm,min to Cm,max may be generated and a GMP de-mapper should be
            tolerant of such occurrences. Refer to Annex D for a general description of the GMP principles.
            17.7.1  Mapping a sub-1.238 Gbit/s CBR client signal into OPU0

            Table 17-4 specifies the clients defined by this Recommendation and their GMP mn and CnD parameter
            values. Table 17-5 specifies the replacement signals for those clients.
            The  support  for  1-bit  timing  information  (C1)  is  client  dependent.  Clients  for  which  the  8-bit  timing
            information in Cm with m=8 is sufficient will not deploy the ability to transport C1D and the JC4/5/6 value
            will be fixed to all-0s.

            The OPU0 payload for this mapping consists of 4  3808 bytes. The bytes in the OPU0 payload area are
            numbered from 1 to 15232. The OPU0 payload byte numbering for GMP 1-byte (8-bit) blocks is illustrated
            in Figure 17-11. In row 1 of the OPU0 frame the first byte will be labelled 1, the next byte will be labelled 2,
            Groups of eight successive bits (not necessary being a byte) of the client signal are mapped into a byte of
            the OPU0 payload area under control of the GMP data/stuff control mechanism. Each byte in the OPU0
            payload area may either carry 8 client bits, or carry 8 stuff bits. The stuff bits are set to zero.

                     Figure 17-11  OPU0 frame structure for the mapping of a sub-1.238 Gbit/s client signal

                                  Table 17-4 – m, n and CnD for sub-1.238G clients into OPU0

                                         Nominal         Bit rate
                   Client signal         bit rate       tolerance        m            n             C nD
                                         (kbit/s)         (ppm)
             Transcoded 1000BASE-X       15/16           100           8            8             No
             (see clause      1 250 000
             STM-1                       155 520          20            8            1             Yes
             STM-4                       622 080          20            8            1             Yes
             FC-100                     1 062 500         100           8            8             No
             SBCON/ESCON                 200 000          200           8            8             No
             DVB-ASI                     270 000          100           8            8             No
             SDI                         270 000          2.8           8           TBD           TBD

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