Page 1173 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 1173

Transport aspects                                              2

            17.4.1  Mapping of GFP frames into an extended OPU2 payload area

            The mapping of generic framing procedure (GFP) frames in an extended OPU2 payload area is performed
            by aligning the byte structure of every GFP frame with the byte structure of the extended OPU2 payload
            (see  Figure  17-7).  Since  the  GFP  frames  are  of  variable  length  (the  mapping  does  not  impose  any
            restrictions on the maximum frame length), a frame may cross the OPU2 frame boundary.

                               Figure 17-7  OPU2 frame structure and mapping of GFP frames
                                            into an extended OPU2 payload area

            GFP frames arrive as a continuous bit stream with a capacity that is identical to the OPU2 payload area, due
            to the insertion of GFP-idle frames at the GFP encapsulation stage. The GFP frame stream is scrambled
            during encapsulation.
            NOTE –  There  is  no  rate  adaptation  or  scrambling  required  at  the  mapping  stage;  this  is  performed  by  the  GFP
            encapsulation process.

            The  OPU2  overhead  for  the  GFP  mapping  consists  of  a  payload  structure  identifier  (PSI)  including  the
            payload  type  (PT),  a  client  signal  fail  (CSF)  indicator  and  254  bytes  plus  7  bits  of  reserved  for  future
            international standardization (RES).
            The extended OPU2 payload for the GFP mapping consists of 4 × 3808 bytes from the OPU2 payload plus 7
            bytes from the OPU2 overhead.

            17.5    Mapping of test signal into OPU

            17.5.1  Mapping of a NULL client into OPU
            An OPU payload signal with an all-0s pattern (see Figure 17-8) is defined for test purposes. This is referred
            to as the NULL client.

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