Page 1170 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 1170

2                                                 Transport aspects

                                         Table 17-3  JC, NJO and PJO interpretation

                                                  NJO                                   PJO
             bits       7 8

                      0 0          justification byte                  data byte
                      0 1          data byte                           data byte
                      1 0          justification byte                  data byte
                      1 1          justification byte                  justification byte

             NOTE – A mapper circuit does not generate this code. Due to bit errors a de-mapper circuit might receive this code.
            The  value  contained  in  NJO  and  PJO  when  they  are  used  as  justification  bytes  is  all-0s.  The  receiver  is
            required to ignore the value contained in these bytes whenever they are used as justification bytes.
            During a signal fail condition of the incoming CBR2G5, CBR10G or CBR40G client signal (e.g., in the case of a
            loss of input signal), this failed incoming signal is replaced by the generic-AIS signal as specified in clause
            16.6.1, and is then mapped into the OPUk.

            During a signal fail condition of the incoming 10GBASE-R type CBR10G3 client signal (e.g., in the case of a
            loss of input signal), this failed incoming 10GBASE-R signal is replaced by a stream of 66B blocks, with each
            block carrying two local fault sequence ordered sets (as specified in [IEEE 802.3]). This replacement signal is
            then mapped into the OPU2e.
            During the signal fail condition of the incoming ODUk/OPUk signal (e.g., in the case of an ODUk-AIS, ODUk-
            LCK,  ODUk-OCI  condition)  the  generic-AIS  pattern  as  specified  in  clause 16.6.1  is  generated  as  a
            replacement signal for the lost CBR2G5, CBR10G or CBR40G signal.
            During the signal fail condition of the incoming ODU2e/OPU2e signal (e.g., in the case of an ODU2e-AIS,
            ODU2e-LCK,  ODU2e-OCI  condition)  a  stream  of  66B  blocks,  with  each  block  carrying  two  local  fault
            sequence  ordered  sets  (as  specified  in  [IEEE  802.3])  is  generated  as  a  replacement  signal  for  the  lost
            10GBASE-R signal.

            NOTE 4 – Local fault sequence ordered set is /K28.4/D0.0/D0.0/D1.0/.  The 66B block contains the following value
            SH=10 0x55 00 00 01 00 00 00 01.
            NOTE 5 – Equipment developed prior to  Edition 2.5 of this Recommendation may generate a different 10GBASE-R
            replacement signal (e.g., Generic-AIS) than the local fault sequence ordered set.

            Asynchronous mapping

            The OPUk signal for the asynchronous mapping is created from a locally generated clock (within the limits
            specified in Table 7-3), which is independent of the CBR2G5, CBR10G or CBR40G (i.e., 4 (k– 1)  × 2 488 320
            kbit/s (k = 1,2,3)) client signal.
            The CBR2G5, CBR10G, CBR40G (i.e., 4 (k–1)  × 2 488 320 kbit/s (k = 1,2,3)) signal is mapped into the OPUk
            using a positive/negative/zero (pnz) justification scheme.

            Bit-synchronous mapping
            The OPUk clock for bit-synchronous mapping is derived from the CBR2G5, CBR10G, CBR40G or CBR10G3
            client  signal. During  signal  fail  conditions  of  the  incoming CBR2G5,  CBR10G, CBR40G or  CBR10G3  signal
            (e.g.,  in  the  case  of  a  loss  of  input  signal),  the  OPUk  payload  signal  bit  rate  shall  be  within  the  limits
            specified in Table 7-3 and the limits defined for the ODCb clock in [ITU-T G.8251] and no OPUk frame phase
            discontinuity shall be introduced in this case and when resynchronizing on the incoming CBR2G5, CBR10G,
            CBR40G or CBR10G3 signal.

            The CBR2G5, CBR10G, CBR40G or CBR10G3 signal is mapped into the OPUk without using the justification
            capability within the OPUk frame: NJO contains a justification byte, PJO contains a data byte, and the JC
            signal is fixed to 00.

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