Page 1167 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 1167

Transport aspects                                              2

            16.5.3  ODU locked (ODU-LCK)

            ODU-LCK  is  specified  as  a  repeating  "0101  0101"  pattern  in  the  entire  ODU signal,  excluding  the  frame
            alignment overhead (FA OH) and OTU overhead (OTU OH) (see Figure 16-5).

                                                  Figure 16-5  ODU-LCK

            NOTE – The repeating "0101 0101" pattern is the default pattern; other patterns are also allowed as long as the STAT
            bits in the PM and TCMi overhead fields are set to "101".
            In  addition,  the  ODU-LCK  signal  may  be  extended  with  one  or  more  additional  levels  of  ODU  tandem
            connection, GCC1, GCC2, EXP and/or the APS/PCC overhead before it is presented at the OTN interface.
            This is dependent on the functionality between the ODU-LCK insertion point and the OTN interface.
            The presence of ODU-LCK is detected by monitoring the ODU STAT bits in the PM and TCMi overhead fields.

            16.6    Client maintenance signal

            16.6.1  Generic AIS for constant bit rate signals
            The generic-AIS signal is a signal with a 2 047-bit polynomial number 11 (PN-11) repeating sequence.

            The  PN-11  sequence  is  defined  by  the  generating  polynomial  1  +  x   +  x   as  specified  in  clause 5.2  of
            [ITU-T O.150]. (See Figure 16-6.)

                                         Figure 16-6  Generic-AIS generating circuit

            17      Mapping of client signals

            This clause specifies the mapping of:
            –       STM-16, STM-64, STM-256 constant bit rate client signals into OPUk using client/server specific
                    asynchronous or bit-synchronous mapping procedures (AMP, BMP);

            –       10GBASE-R constant bit rate client signal into OPU2e using client/server specific bit-synchronous
                    mapping procedure (BMP);

            –       FC-1200 constant bit rate client signal after timing transparent transcoding (TTT) providing a 50/51
                    rate compression into OPU2e using client/server specific byte-synchronous mapping procedure;
            –       constant bit rate client signals with bit rates up to 1.238 Gbit/s into OPU0 and up to 2.488 Gbit/s
                    into OPU1 using a client agnostic generic mapping procedure (GMP) possibly preceded by a timing

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