Page 129 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 129

Core network aspects                                            1

                     Figure 2 – An example of LINP federation with a LINP exchanger's federation functions

            A  network-to-network  interface  (NNI)  reference  point  is  specified  on  each  side  of  the  LINP  exchanger.
            Federation functions are recommended to allow the use of different independent protocols at the NNI and
            VMI reference points between the LINP exchanger and each administrative domain. This is illustrated in
            Figure 2 where NNI' and VMI' notations are used to represent that the protocol used at the NNI (or VMI)
            reference point could be different from that used in the NNI' (or VMI') reference point.

            6.2     LINP federation without LINP exchangers

            LINP  federation  may  be  completed  without  requiring  help  from  the  LINP  exchanger  and  its  federation
            functions [b-GENI Architecture]. Figure 3 shows an example of LINP federation where two LINPs from two
            different administrative domains are federated with no LINP exchanger involved. In this example, an LINP
            operator uses two LINP management functions that individually reside in the two different administrative
            domains. The two LINPs and the constituent virtual resources are coordinated to ensure the connectivity.
            Once the LINP federation is established, a NNI reference point and a VMI reference point are specified
            between the administrative domains.

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