Page 133 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 133

Core network aspects                                            1

            storage  resources  and  a  redirector  that  manages  transport  resources,  as  shown  in  Figure  8  [b-VNode

                                            Figure 8 – Physical node architecture

            The programmer consists of various kinds of processing components that can be isolated and virtualized to
            provide  an  isolate  execution  environment  for  data  processing  and  its  management.  Implementation
            technologies span across a spectrum of components such as general-purpose servers, network processors,
            field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs), and reconfigurable application-specific integrated circuits (ASICs).
            Each execution environment deploys various software functions to perform data processing.
            The redirector consists of transport resources. Virtual link resources with various quality of service (QoS)
            characteristics and capabilities, such as bandwidth and policing and shaping capabilities with buffering, are
            created. The redirector may also include programmability to realize virtual, logical links such as tunneling and
            virtual LAN.
            A programmer and a redirector are interconnected through the programmer-to-redirector interface (PRI)
            reference  point  which  is  used  to  exchange  control  messages  for  resource  allocation  and  end-user  data
            A physical node design consisting of a programmer and a redirector and the PRI reference point achieves
            both flexibility and scalability. This node architecture supports independent evolutions of the transport,
            computation and storage technologies. With this architecture, physical node resources can be upgraded with
            transport technologies independent of the evolution of computing and storage resources, and vice versa. It
            also facilitates scaling of transport resources regardless of computing and storage resources, and vice versa.

            9       Physical resource management functions
            Physical resource management functions manage, control, and monitor physical resources, in collaboration
            with virtual resource management functions. They include physical resource configuration functions, physical
            resource monitoring and fault management function, and, optionally, physical resource discovery function.
            When physical resource management functions are independently implemented for different layers on a
            physical link resource, there should be a communication channel between the functions of individual layers
            for consistent and coordinated management.

            9.1     Physical resource configuration functions
            Physical resource configuration functions are comprised of the following functions:
            −       Abstraction  function.  The  abstraction  function  creates  virtual  resources  by  abstracting  physical
                    resources. In doing so, the function may divide a single physical resource into multiple physical
                    resources or merge multiple physical resources into a single physical resource. It may also create
                    logical resources, which are logically grouped physical resources. For example, a physical link can be
                    divided into multiple logical links, where each logical link is represented by parameters, such as a
                    link identifier (ID) and end-point addresses;

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