Page 138 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 138

1                                                Core network aspects

            −       End-users' credential.

            Gateway functions should include the following functions.
            −       Access  control  (policy  enforcement)  function,  which  determines  if  an  end-user's  data
                    frames/packets are allowed to go through a specified LINP by checking the credential in the end-
                    user's data frames/packets;

            −       LINP  select  function,  which  extracts  LINP  IDs  or  correspondent  IDs  from  end-users'  data
                    frames/packets and identify destination LINPs;
            −       LINP  connect  function,  which  makes  connections  between  end-users  and  LINPs  with  protocol
                    translation if it is needed.

            Gateway  functions  may  provide  internal  reference  point  for  gateway  control  within  an  administrative
            domain. As shown in Figure 10, the internal reference point resides between gateway functions and LINP
            management functions. It is used to deliver the following information from LINP management functions to
            gateway functions:

            −       Information for controlling accesses from end-users to LINPs;
            Relationship between end-users and the LINPs.
            −       Another  internal  reference  point  may  reside  between  gateway  functions  and  physical  resource
                    functions.  The  data  frames/packets  through  this  internal  reference  point  should  include  the
                    following data:
            −       End-users' data;
            −       LINP ID or correspondent ID from which the destination LINP is uniquely specified.

            16      User terminal functions
            User terminal functions connect end-users to LINPs through gateway functions. User terminal functions may
            also implement authentication functions. Figure 11 illustrates the user terminal functions and the interaction
            with other functions.

                              Figure 11 – User terminal functions in relation to gateway functions

            Through  the UNI  reference  points,  end-users'  data are  exchanged  between  gateway  functions  and  user
            terminal functions. The data frames/packets should include the following information:
            −       End-users' data;

            −       LINP IDs or correspondent IDs to uniquely identify the source LINP and the destination LINP;

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