Page 795 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 795

Transport aspects                                              2

                             Figure 10-22 – VFRB format (in case only vectored bands 1 and 3 are
                                                  requested by the VCE)

            The format of the VBB is presented in Figure 10-23. Each VBB starts from an 8-bit VBB_ID field, followed by
            concatenated VF blocks, and ends with a pad of zero, two, four or six bits to fit the length of the VBB to an
            integer number of bytes (odd number of padding bits is not applicable). The three MSBs of the VBB_ID field
            shall comprise the number of the vectored band (000 for VBB-0, 001 for VBB-1, … up to 111 for VBB-7). The
            five  LSBs  of  the  VBB_ID  field  shall  be  set  to  '0'  and  be  reserved  for  ITU-T.  The  VF  blocks  shall  be
            concatenated  in  a  VBB  in  ascending  order:  the  VF  block  0  is  the  one  that  contains  VF  samples  for  the
            subcarrier with lowest index and shall be transmitted first. The block of VBB data are mapped to the bytes
            according to Figure 10-23.

                        F_block =   or 2  4
                        MSB  LSB MSB   MSB     MSB     MSB     MSB     MSB     MSB                     MSB
               Byte  appingm  Byte 1  Byte 2  Byte 3  Byte 4  Byte 5  Byte 6  Byte 7  Byte 8       Last byte

                 VF  ample s          F_block VF samples       2 or 4  VF samples
                b it  equences  VBB_ID  EXP  in VF  lock 0b  Block  ID  EXP  in VF  lock b  1         Pad
                                        F_block  2 ×  ×          F_block ×  2 ×                     0, 2, 4, or
                          8 bits  4 bits  (B_M  – B_L  + 1) bits  4 bits 4 bits  (B_M  – B_L  + 1) bits  6 bits
                                      VF_block_0               VF_block_1

                                                 VF_block_ j= (4 +  F_block × 2  × ( B_M(vb,eb)  –  B_L(vb,eb)  + 1)) bits
                              (4 +   (4 + Σ  VF_block_j  )) = ( 20 +   (8 + F_block × 2 × (Σ  B_M ( , ) vb eb –  B_L ( ,vb eb ) + 1))) bits without padding
                                            (4 + N_block ( )   (8 + vb ×  F_block ×  2  L_w×  )) bits with padding
                        F_block =  1
                        MSB  LSB MSB   MSB     MSB     MSB     MSB     MSB     MSB                     MSB
               Byte  appingm  Byte 1  Byte 2  Byte 3  Byte 4  Byte 5  Byte 6  Byte 7  Byte 8       Last byte

                VF S ample s            1 VF sample          1  VF samples        1 VF samples
                b it  equences  VBB_ID  EXP  in VF  lock 0b  EXP  in VF  lock b  1  EXP  in VF  lock b  2  Pad
                                        F_block ×  2 ×       F_block  2 × ×       F_block  2 × ×    0, 2, 4, or
                          8 bits  4 bits  (B_M  – B_L  + 1) bits  4 bits  (B_M  – B_L  + 1) bits  4 bits  (B_M  – B_L   + 1) bits  6 bits
                                      VF_block_0           VF_block_ 0          VF_block_ 0

                                                   (  + N_block  ×  (  + 2 4  × L_w )) bits

                                      Figure 10-23 – VBB format depending on F_block

            All fields of the VBB presented in Figure 10-23 shall be transmitted MSB first; the MSB of the VBB_ID shall
            be the MSB of the first byte of the VBB field, as shown in Figure 10-22.
            The format of the VF block is defined in clause
            In case F_block = 2 or 4, a Block_ID shall be pre-pended to each VF block, starting with VF block number 1.
            A  Block_ID  shall  not  be  inserted  just  before  VF  block  0.  The  Block_ID  shall  be  four  bits  long,  and  shall

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