Page 796 - 5G Basics - Core Network Aspects
P. 796

2                                                 Transport aspects

            represent  modulo  16  the  sequence  number  of  the  VF  block  it  precedes  as  an  unsigned  integer,  in
            assumption that the first block in the vectored band has the number 0.

            In case F_block = 1, a Block_ID shall not be inserted.
            NOTE – The VCE can identify VBB in the received VFRB by its VBB_ID and then compute the number of VF blocks,
            N_block(vb), in the VBB-vb as described in clause, since all the vectoring feedback control parameters are
            known to the VCE. The length of the VF block is computed using the parameters (B_M, B_L) of the VF sample and the
            block size F_block. The first reported sample of the first VF block in the vectored band is for the subcarrier with index
            X_L (which is always even).
    Format of the VF block

            The  representation  for  a  VF  block  containing  F_block  VF  samples  (2×F_block  VF  sample  components  of
            F_block subcarriers) shall include an EXP field (4 bits), and a vectoring feedback field (variable length), see
            Figure 10-24. The vectoring feedback field includes F_block sub-fields, each carrying a complex VF sample
            of  a  subcarrier  which  is  assigned  for  reporting  during  the  vectoring  feedback  report  configuration  (see

            In  case  of  reporting  of  error  samples,  for  each  VF  sample  component  (r_x,  r_y),  the  compressed
            representation, as defined in clause, includes only those bits of the VF sample component with
            indices  B_L  through  B_M,  using  the  convention  that  the  MSB  of  the  compressed  representation  of  the
            component has index B_max and the LSB of the compressed representation of the component has index
            B_min. Accordingly, the total number of bits in the vectoring feedback field of a block of VF samples in
            compressed representation shall be 2×F_block×(B_M – B_L + 1).

            When a VF block contains error samples, the EXP fields shall include parameter B_M decreased by 2 and
            represented as a 4-bit unsigned integer, in the range from 0 to 15 representing B_M values in the range
            from  2  to  17.  NOTE  –  The  parameter  B_L  is  not  reported  as  it  can  be  calculated  by  the  VCE  from  the
            vectoring feedback control parameters (see equations 10-1 and 10-2) and the value of the reported B_M

            In  case  of  reporting  of  DFT  output  samples,  each  VF  sample  component  (f_x,  f_y),  shall  be  calculated
            corresponding to the definition of DFT output samples (see clause The total number of bits in the
            vectoring  feedback  field  of  a  block  of  VF  samples  in  compressed  representation  shall  be  2×F_block×
            (B_M – B_L + 1) = 2×F_block×L_w.
            When a VF block contains DFT samples, the EXP fields shall include parameter B_M represented as a 4-bit
            unsigned integer, in the range from 0 to 15.
            The format of the VF block is presented in Figure 10-24. All parameters and VF samples shall be mapped
            with the MSB at the left side and LSB to the right side so that the MSB is transmitted first (i.e., the first
            transmitted bit is the MSB of the EXP field). The VF samples in a VF block may not be aligned with byte
            boundaries as demonstrated in Figure 10-24.

            VF samples in the vectoring feedback field shall be mapped in ascending order of subcarrier index from left
            to right. In case of error samples, for each VF sample, the r_x (real) component shall be mapped left from
            the r_y (imaginary) component. In case of DFT output samples, the f_x (real) component shall be mapped
            left from the f_y (imaginary) component.

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