Page 38 - ITU-T Focus Group Digital Financial Services – Consumer Experience and Protection
P. 38

ITU-T Focus Group Digital Financial Services
                                               Consumer Experience and Protection

               The fact that different stakeholders have different interests also leads to the conclusion that not all of the KPI
               are of equal importance for all stakeholders. This aspect can provide guidance when it comes to the provision
               of a legal or regulatory framework to enable or support emergence of DFS.
               The final section of this chapter deals with considerations about a practical monitoring of DFS service
               performance can be implemented. It differentiates between test and measurement in the introduction phase,
               and continuous quality monitoring in the operational phase of DFS.

               5.1    Use cases and related top-level KPI

               5.1.1   Transfer of money from A to B

               Basic flow of activities

               Party A decides to transfer amount X from his account to the account of B.

               Key interests of this transfers are:
               1    The transfer shall be made with a clear indication of success or failure on both sides within a reasonable
                    time span
               2    The success rate of a money transfer shall be high
               3    The duration of a transaction shall be reasonably short

               4    If the transaction fails, the situations needs to be completely reverted within a reasonably short time
                    span (i.e. no money “lost in limbo”)

               5    The transaction shall lead to a stable and correct end state for all participants in a reasonably short time
                    span (i.e. all accounts have to be “up to date” as fast as possible)

               6    There must be no losses or duplications of money during the transaction (i.e. money not deducted from
                    A’s account but appearing on B’s account).

               NOTE: Not all of these conditions are of equal importance to all stakeholders, e.g. the absence of “money
               duplications” may not be of interest to end users.

               A further differentiation of the use case may come from the question if some kind of proof for the transaction
               is created, and if yes, in which way. This may be a crucial element if money is paid to serve some duties as e.g.
               the electricity bill. This may involve another data transaction towards, possibly, a third party to send such a
               proof, or access to respective services to produce this.
               From these requirements, the following end to end KPI can be derived:

               –    Money Transfer completion rate

               –    Money Transfer completion time
               –    Money Transfer False Positive Rate
               –    Money Transfer False Negative Rate
               –    Money Transfer Failed Transaction Resolution Rate

               –    Money Transfer Account Stabilization Success Rate
               –    Money Transfer Account Stabilization Time

               –    Money Transfer Loss Rate
               –    Money Transfer Duplication Rate

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