Page 126 - Proceedings of the 2017 ITU Kaleidoscope
P. 126

2017 ITU Kaleidoscope Academic Conference


           When considering Japanese language web sites, there are many
           useful  materials  from open online courses.  In  Japan gacco,
           eboard, schoo  [8]  listed  as Japanese Massive  Open  Online
           Courses (JMOOC) have been providing free on-line education
           with a  variety of  courses  such as  arithmetic,  science,
           programing, management, marketing, statistics, accounting, as
           well as  business planning  for elementary school children
           through grown-ups.
           Otani University has been using a site of the past questions of
           the  IT Passport  Examination  founded  by  the  Japanese
           Government. When one  passes the examination, one is
           qualified as having basic skills and knowledge on ICT
           technologies, management and business strategies, certified by
           the Ministry of Economy, Trades  and Industry  (MITI).  The
           authors organized  one-week intensive course on IT Passport
           Exam during the summer and spring breaks  of  the academic
           years  2015 and 2016.  Those  courses  using iPad and the past   Fig. 8. The growth and forecast of wearable market in the world
           examination site assisted students to complete the examination
           with the successful result of seven to eight students each from   In general as depicted in Fig. 8, the market of wearable devices
           2015, in comparison with just a few students, each year in the   is forecast to grow steadily with 62.6 billion US dollars in 2020
           past. Based upon this improvement, our faculty has decided to   [9].  When usage is divided  into two  categories, private usage
           have all juniors take the examination from April 2017.   and business usage, private usage includes the monitoring vital
                                                                data and life log with GPS for healthcare as well as positioning
            7. WRITING PRACTICE OF DIGITAL MULTIMEDIA           one’s location  while business usage includes medical, security
                   CONTENTS USING E-PUB FORMAT                  services, defense and monitoring the workplace.

           The  Class  for  Digital Contents Research  involves training  for
           producing digital  multimedia books  in  standard e-Pub format.
           Students use desktop or laptop PC with hardware keyboard and
           mouse  since tablet PC isn’t  conducive  to  easy  input of letters
           and figures and content information layout. However, when an
           e-book is completed the product may be attractive compared to a
           PDF format.
           There are several free use web sites for making e-Pub books for
           beginners. Most  of those websites are capable  of  publishing
           commercial products as well. Each year more than 70 students
           participate in submit in their work with stimulating content.

                        WEARABLE DEVICES

           Recent observation  at campus  shows  that some students  use   Fig. 9. The monitoring system for vital data
           wristband type wearable devices. Expecting that more and more
           students will wear those devices, we have implemented a system   The  authors propose  a  method to improve  students’ health
           to share students’ vital data such as heart rate and sleeping hours   consciousness by taking advantage of IoT technologies such as
           as well as activity logs such as distance travelled and the means   wearable devices and smart phones along with a cloud service.
           to obtain information by wearable devices and smartphones. Our   Fig.  9  shows  an  implemented  web application  system
           system allows vital data to be shared securely within a limited   consisting of RStudio’s Shiny server  [10]  in a cloud, a Fitbit
           number of private group members so that individual vital data   [11]  as a wristband type wearable device and  its associated
           can be properly managed.                             applications on smartphones and Moves [12] as an application
                                                                on smartphones  to log active data such as walking, running,
                                                                cycling and transportation. A  mash-up of two applications,
                                                                Fitbit and Moves generates a more precise description on one’s
                                                                daily behavior. The RStudio’s Shiny server interacts with both
                                                                Fitbit and Moves data through  cloud with  API in accordance
                                                                with OAuth2.0.  The application is implemented with  a
                                                                password to show the contents of vital data even though the site
                                                                may be accessed to anyone who knows the URL.
                                                                Another issue for further study is the use wearable devices such
                                                                as  eyeglasses  JINS MEME  [13].  This device has  an
                                                                accelerometer, gyroscope and electrooculography sensors  to

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