Page 27 - International Standards to Shape Smart Sustainable Cities: The Case of Moscow
P. 27

Implementing ITU-T International Standards to shape Smart Sustainable Cities - The case of Moscow

                        Dimension        Sub-Dimension                      Description

                                       Environment            These KPIs aim to assess the use of ICTs in
                                                              supporting urban environmental services and
                                                              improving the overall environmental quality in
                                                              These KPIs aim to assess the use of renewable
                             Environment                      and sustainable sources of energy in a city, as
                                                              well as its energy efficiency and energy
                                                              reduction measures.
                                                              The use of energy from renewable sources,
                                                              along with efficient uses of energy, can lead to
                                                              the longer-term sustainability of an urban area,
                                                              provide for more independence of electricity
                                                              supply, and lead to the reduction of GHG
                                                              emissions related to electricity generation.

                                       Education, Health      These KPIs aim to assess the impact of ICTs to
                                       and Culture            improve citizens’ quality of life.
                                                              They focus on areas such as education, health
                                                              and city safety, among other aspects related to
                             Society & Culture   Safety, Housing and      quality of life within the city.

                                                              These KPIs aim to assess the impact of the use
                                                              of ICTs to promote urban equity, citizen
                                       Social Inclusion
                                                              participation and to enhance social

                                                              inclusiveness.
                                                              They focus on qualities such as equity,
                                                              governance, city openness and public

                  During the first phase of the project, ITU-T provided Moscow guidance on the use of the KPIs
                  within the context of Smart Sustainable Cities. Following the receipt of the U4SSC KPIs, Moscow
                  reviewed  the  KPIs  to  determine  which  departments,  agencies  and  other  entities  would  be
                  responsible for collecting the necessary data and supporting documentation for each indicator.
                  As  mentioned  previously,  the  IT  Department’s  Smart  City  Lab  coordinated  this  effort  and
                  reached  out  to  other  Moscow  City  Government  departments,  agencies  and  entities  (e.g.
                  Moscow’s Department for Environmental Management and Protection, and its associated State
                  Environmental Conservation Agency) to gather the required data for the indicators. Most data
                  sources (approximately 97%) were able to provide current, real-time or primary data from the

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