Page 80 - International Standards to Shape Smart Sustainable Cities: The Case of Moscow
P. 80

Implementing ITU-T International Standards to shape Smart Sustainable Cities - The case of Moscow

                  5.5.   Improvements for implementing the U4SSC KPIs on SSC

                  Moscow’s  project  was,  in  part,  intended  to  help  the  U4SSC  KPIs  revision  process.  It  is only
                  through the dedicated efforts of the stakeholders in Moscow and their honest feedback on their
                  experience in implementing the KPIs that, the strengths and weaknesses of each KPI can be
                  identified and that the existing data collection and verification processes can be improved.
                  Continuously updating the definitions and collection methodologies for each KPI will help cities
                  to better identify the data source and ensure that the data collected are easily verifiable and
                  comparable against their global peers. Data collected through this process will help improve
                  data  quality,  which  will  in  turn  facilitate  credible  input  into  ITU’s  upcoming  Global  Smart
                  Sustainable Cities Index (see Box 2 for details).
                  The Moscow government and its departments and agencies have provided not only the required
                  data for the U4SSC KPIs, but also valuable feedback on the clarity and effectiveness of each
                  indicator and the ease of implementing them. The feedback received for each KPI has given ITU
                  a better understanding of the scope of each KPI and its contribution to achieving the Smart
                  Moscow 2030 strategy.
                  Both Moscow and ITU recognize that there is room for improvement in the KPIs. To this end,
                  Moscow has suggested improving the clarity of the definitions of the KPIs, in order to help cities
                  to pinpoint the data sources needed for the KPIs and revise the collection methodologies.

                  5.6.   Potential additional U4SSC KPIs on SSC

                  Moscow  has  also  proposed  the  following  potential  new  KPIs  that  would  enhance  the
                  participating city’s profile generated through the reporting of the KPIs:
                      1.  Average cost of housing / average salary:

                           This indicator could provide information about the affordability of housing in a city.
                           High prices for real estate are a serious problem that affects the ability of future
                             generations to participate fully in a city’s economy. How cities address this issue
                             affects their long-term sustainability.

                      2.  Volume of online transactions / volume of operations for cash:
                           An  additional  measure  of  how  highly  developed  the  infrastructure  is  for
                             e-commerce  and  how  open  citizens  are  to  transition  to  a  more  digital-based
                      3.  Changes in average salary year over year:

                           A  measure  of  personal  economic  growth  that  can  then  be  related  to  the  city’s
                             inflation rate.

                           Growth in average salary is the hallmark of an improving economy and development
                             of the labour market of a city, but in the case of high inflation, real growth may not
                             be as optimistic as initially thought.

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