Page 225 - Big data - Concept and application for telecommunications
P. 225

Big data - Concept and application for telecommunications                       5

                                                      Appendix I

                                     Use case with IoT big data characteristics
                            (This appendix does not form an integral part of this Recommendation.)

            I.1     City environment monitoring
            Figure I.1 shows a city environment monitoring use case as an example showing how the IoT can handle data
            with IoT big data characteristics. In this use case, a large number of environment monitoring sensors and
            cameras will be deployed in the city to monitor the real-time conditions of the air, water, traffic, power and
            waste in the city.

                                      Figure I.1 – City environment monitoring use case

            In  each  second,  a  large  amount  of  data  will  be  transferred  from  those  sensors  and  cameras  to  the  IoT
            platform. All the data will experience data collection, data transfer, data pre-processing, data storage and
            data analysis procedures.
            –       During the data collection procedure, the data collection schedulers in the IoT platform will arrange
                    the collection period and collection sequence to relieve the network and the IoT platform load. The
                    collected data from the city environment sensors will be partially annotated with time stamp and
                    semantic information according to the capability of sensors.
            –       During the data transfer procedure, small data packets will converge into bigger packets to improve
                    the transmission efficiency and some redundant data (e.g., video data) will be compressed before
                    the data transmission.
            –       During the data pre-processing procedure, the collected environment data without time stamps will
                    be annotated with time stamps by the IoT platform and the collected environment data in different
                    formats will be transformed into a unified standard data format. For time-series environmental data,
                    the missing or incorrect data detection and interpolation operation may be adopted.
            –       During the data storage procedure, the collected data will be stored in the data centre after a data
                    pre-processing procedure.
            –       During  the  data  analysis  procedure,  the  city  environment  analysis  applications  will  analyse  the
                    collected  environmental  data.  Some  city  environment  indexes  (e.g.,  air  quality  index)  will  be
                    calculated according to the collected environmental data and some city environment events (e.g.,
                    traffic jams) will be detected.

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