Page 226 - Big data - Concept and application for telecommunications
P. 226

5                                Big data - Concept and application for telecommunications

                                                      Appendix II

                 Relationships among IoT data roles, IoT business roles, IoT data operations
                                                 and IoT components

                            (This appendix does not form an integral part of this Recommendation.)

            II.1    Relationships between IoT data roles and IoT business roles
            This appendix describes some typical relationships between IoT data roles (as described in clause 6) and IoT
            business roles (as described in [ITU-T Y.4000]) via an example of deployment scenarios.
            Figure II.1 shows three IoT components, i.e., device, IoT platform and IoT application server, connected to
            each other via the network, another IoT component.

              Figure II.1 – Example of deployment scenarios with respect to the relationship between IoT data roles
                                                  and IoT business roles

            In Figure II.1, the IoT business roles [ITU-T Y.4000] associated to the above four IoT components, i.e., device
            provider, platform provider, network provider and application provider, describe the relationships in terms
            of revenue streams. The two application providers shown in Figure II.1 aim to describe two different sub-
            roles in a given deployment scenario from the IoT data perspective:

            –       Application provider (I) provides IoT applications to the application customer (described in [ITU-T
            –       Application  provider  (II)  provides  IoT  data  processing  capabilities  to  application  provider  (I)  via
                    handling IoT data and providing the analysis results to application provider (I).

            In Figure II.1, the interactions between the IoT data roles associated with the five IoT components, i.e., IoT
            data provider, IoT data carrier, IoT data framework provider, IoT data application provider and IoT data
            consumer, describe the relationships in terms of IoT data operations in this specific scenario:

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