Page 266 - Big data - Concept and application for telecommunications
P. 266

5                                Big data - Concept and application for telecommunications

                    server message block (SMB), network file system (NFS), SSH file transfer protocol (SFTP), file transfer
                    protocol (FTP) for file-based storage and the restful API for object-based storage, etc.
            –       corresponding protocols or I/O interfaces of a single virtual volume;
            –       performance acceleration of protocols.

            Data manipulation component provides:
            –       virtual storage pool;
            –       configuration for virtual storage pool without considering the actual storage location of the data;
            –       the write buffer or read cache function for customer data;
            –       enhancement of the read and write response time using high-speed storages for buffer and cache;

                    NOTE 2 – The high-speed storage includes main memory, non-volatile memory express (NVMe), SSD
                    and peripheral component interconnect express (PCIe) flash cards.

            –       data management for snapshots, fast replication and distributed transaction logs.
            Data distribution and storing component provides:
            –       the optimization of writing data to DSF local storage to minimize writing and accessing time;
            –       data fragmentation to distribute and store in DSF local storage;

                    NOTE 3 – Data fragmentation is a method to distribute and store customer data in other storages.
            –       the encryption/decryption and compression/decompression of data fragments;
                    NOTE 4 – The encryption and compression are taken into account by customer's demands.
            DSF local storage management component provides:
            –       connections to DSF local storage;

            –       storage tiering of data according to the storage performance, time of data usage and data access
                    NOTE 5 – Storage tiering is the action to distribute and collocate data across multiple storage tiers
                    in a hierarchical manner.
                    NOTE 6 – This component automatically moves data between the various storage tiers according to
                    the characteristics of the data.
                    NOTE  7  –  When  data  is  initially  created,  it  is  stored  in  high-speed  storage.  When  data  access
                    frequency is low, it is moved to a lower-speed storage.
            Provisioning and policy management component provides:
            –       the configurations and controls of logical components;

            –       the policy management of data storage and data manipulation;
                    NOTE 8 – Policy for data storage includes back-up, snapshot, scaling, recovery, data caching, thin-
                    provisioning, tiering, storage type (file, block, object), etc.
                    NOTE  9  –  Policy  of  data  manipulation  includes  sharing  support,  read/write,  replication,  data
                    migration, fragmentation, encryption, compression, de-duplication, etc.

            –       the provision of single virtual volume in a virtual storage pool.
            Two kinds of metadata are shown in Figure 6-3 as follows:
            –       Data  operation  metadata  is  a  description  required  to  perform  data  operations.  It  includes  the
                    attributes of virtual storage pool and single virtual volume. It includes a transaction log and DSF data
                    attributes of read/write caching, snapshot, replication, fragmentation, etc.
            –       Storage operation metadata is a description required to perform storage operations. It includes the
                    location of DSF local storage, interface, API for customer data operation, read/write speed, storage
                    capacity, etc.

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