Page 271 - Big data - Concept and application for telecommunications
P. 271

Big data - Concept and application for telecommunications                       5

            8       Functional requirements for data storage federation

            This clause describes the requirements for data storage federation.

            8.1     Storage connection requirements

            (1)     It is required that CSP:SFP provide an interface to connect DSF local storage.
                    NOTE 1 – The interface to DSF local storage refers to the direct interfaces (i.e., object or block
                    storage  interface),  or  a  proxy  interface  to  configure  several  types  of  storages  interface  with  a
                    software program.
                    NOTE 2 – The software program includes software agent, daemon, web worker and RESTful API for
                    an interface to DSF local storage.
                    NOTE 3 – The proxy interface connects DSF local storage by automatically detecting the interface
                    with a software program.
            (2)     It is required that CSP:SFP provide a user interface for CSC:CSU to use a single virtual volume.
                    NOTE 4 – User interface includes graphical user interface, web application, or specific client for
                    CSC:CSU  to access a single virtual volume.
            (3)     It is recommended that CSP:SFP support the change of CSC:CSU's access mechanism according to
                    the storage type of single virtual volume.
            (4)     It  is  required  that  CSP:DMP  provide  translation  between  data  operation  and  a  corresponding
                    interface of DSF local storage.

                    NOTE 5 – Corresponding interface include API, I/O interface, etc.
            (5)     It is recommended that CSP:SFP provide a secure access mechanism to use a single virtual volume
                    for CSC:CSU.

            (6)     It is required that CSP:DMP provide the registration of the CSC:CSU's requirements.
                    NOTE 6 – The requirements of CSC:CSU include data storage capacity, access mechanism, storage
                    types of single virtual volume, policy, etc.

            (7)     It  is  required  that  CSP:SFP  provide  the  seamless  connection  of  DSF  local  storage  interface  to
                    communicate with DSF local storage.

            8.2     Data manipulation requirements
            (1)     It is required that CSP:DMP provide the execution of CSC:CSU's create, read, update, delete (CRUD)
                    data operation.
                    NOTE 1 – CRUD data operation includes create, read, update and delete data.
            (2)     It is required that CSP:DMP provide a search data operation from CSC:CSU's data using query to a
                    global registry.
            (3)     It is recommended that CSP:DMP provide a sharing data operation by updating of sharing status of
                    DSF data in a global registry after checking sharing status of DSF data.
                    NOTE 2 – Data sharing means that the same DSF data is shared during data operation.
                    NOTE 3 – Sharing status of DSF data is information about whether DSF data is shared or not.
            (4)     It is recommended that CSP:DMP provide the capacity saving of data storage using de-duplication
                    of DSF data.
            (5)     It is recommended CSP:DMP provide DSF data encryption/decryption for data transfer to DSF local
            (6)     It is required that CSP:DMP provide data recovery of CSC:CSU from system failure.
                    NOTE 4 – Data recovery refers to restoring the most recently used CSC:CSU's data preventing data
                    loss due to errors from the storage and network connection failure.

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