Page 309 - Big data - Concept and application for telecommunications
P. 309

Big data - Concept and application for telecommunications                       5

            A.1.3   Application layer resource monitoring and analytics functional element

            The AL resource monitoring and analytics functional element is responsible for collecting the status and
            events of SDN-AL resources and analyzing them for the purpose of fault, quality, and security management.
            It provides capabilities for:
            –       monitoring  the  activities,  status,  anomalous  events  of  the  application  and  relevant  SDN-AL
            –       analyzing the monitored data and providing reports on the behaviour of the resources, which can
                    take  the  form  of  alerts  for  abnormal  behaviour  which  has  a  time-sensitive  aspect  (e.g., the
                    occurrence of a fault, the completion of a task), or it can take the form of aggregated forms of
                    historical data (e.g., resource usage data);
            –       storing and retrieving monitored data and analysis reports as logging records in the AL resource
                    repository functional element.

            A.1.4   Application layer resource repository functional element
            The AL resource repository functional element is responsible for storing the contents discovered by the AL
            resource discovery functional element and managing the lifecycle of these contents in the repository. It
            provides capabilities for:

            –       storing  and  providing  APIs  for  querying  the  contents  discovered  by  the  AL  resource  discovery
                    functional element;

            –       storing and providing APIs for querying the contents generated by the AL resource monitoring and
                    analytics functional element;
            –       ensuring  lifecycle  management  of  the  contents  in  the  repository  (e.g.,  creation  by  storing,
                    modification, deletion).

            A.1.5   Application layer provisioning functional element
            The  AL  provisioning  functional  element  is  responsible  for  provisioning  applications  and  relevant  SDN-AL
            resources. It provides capabilities for:
            –       provisioning applications and relevant SDN-AL resources. The application and resource provisioning
                    will trigger the SDN-AL orchestration operation which will further trigger the SDN-CL orchestration
                    and possibly allocate requested resources in the SDN-RL;

            –       mapping and translating customer's abstracted, high-level application/service provisioning profile
                    into more detailed provisioning policies;
            –       managing lifecycle of provisioning policy.

            A.1.6   Application layer fault management functional element

            The AL fault management functional element is responsible for fault management of the SDN-AL. It provides
            capabilities for:
            –       detecting anomalous events which cause failure of the SDN-AL resources;

            –       analyzing a root cause of the failure of the SDN-AL resources;
            –       generating  failure  resolving  policies  and  interact  with  control  and  provisioning  functional
                    components for the actual healing actions.
            A.1.7   Application layer quality management functional element

            The  AL  quality  management  functional  element  is  responsible  for  ensuring  performance  of  the  SDN-AL
            resources. It provides capabilities for:
            –       monitoring and ensuring quality of the SDN-AL application and relevant resources based on the
                    given KPIs.

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