Page 306 - Big data - Concept and application for telecommunications
P. 306

5                                Big data - Concept and application for telecommunications

            7.4.3   Application layer management functional component

            The ALM functional component provides management functionality for managing SDN-AL resources covering
            FCAPS management for these SDN-AL resources. It is also involved in cross-layer orchestration driven by the

            The ALM functional component provides SDN applications' code repository management, SDN applications'
            lifecycle management (creation, modification, and deletion of SDN applications), performance monitoring of
            SDN applications to meet the SLA requirements, detection, isolation, recovery of SDN application faults and
            security management of 3rd party SDN applications (authentication, identity management).
            7.4.4   Multi-layer management orchestration functional component

            The  MMO  functional  component  supports  functionalities  for  the  lifecycle  management  of  SDN
            application/network services across the entire SDN operator's domain and orchestrates multi-layer resource
            management. It coordinates management operations among the SDN-AL, SDN-CL, and SDN-RL, especially the
            relationship among virtualized and physical resources across these SDN layers.
            7.4.5   External relationship management functional component

            The ERM functional component provides management functionality to interwork with external management
            entities. The ERM functional component plays a role of the representative interface of SDN management
            toward the external management entities. Its main functionality includes abstraction of SDN management
            information,  request  and  reply  of  management  operations  with  external  management  entities,  policy
            management, data analytics, accounting and development operations (DevOps) operations.

            8       SDN functional profiles

            SDN  comes  with  the  programmability  of  the  SDN-CL,  the  SDN-AL  and  MMF.  The  already  installed
            functionalities including appropriate APIs of all SDN layers and MMF that can be used to support different
            SDN  use  cases  (e.g.,  mobile  networks,  optical  transport,  cloud  environment,  or  network  functions
            virtualization (NFV)) are called SDN functional profiles. These functional profiles can be merged if necessary.
            Moreover, SDN operators may add additional functions that are required for specific use cases. The definition
            of basic and use case-specific functionalities is not in the scope of this Recommendation and will be described
            in separate Recommendations. The base functional profile consists of common functions shall be included in
            all SDN use cases.
            NOTE – The base functional profile for the SDN-CL includes, but is not limited to, the following functionalities:
            –       topology discovery and topology change monitoring (nodes, hosts, and links);
            –       monitoring of links (link statistics) and nodes;

            –       on-demand  path  computation,  selection  and  monitoring  (multiple  paths  between  any
                    source-destination pair);
            –       shortest-path forwarding using single or multiple paths;

            –       asynchronous and synchronous update of data forwarding rules (flow programming).
            Lifecycle management of each functional profile is a target of MMF.

            9       Environmental considerations
            SDN provides a flexible and robust means to control underlying network resources including the capability of
            redirecting traffic from one link to another one, and/or from one switch to another. This influences traffic
            distribution in the network, and enables network operators to switch off equipment that is not in use, or
            reduce power consumption of the equipment by changing the mode of its operations.
            Traditionally, control functionality of network resources resides in each network element. SDN relocates this
            functionality to a logically centralized SDN controller. This can simplify network elements and contribute to
            the reduction of their power consumption. The simplification can also contribute to switch network elements

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