Page 302 - Big data - Concept and application for telecommunications
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5                                Big data - Concept and application for telecommunications

            The CL-RA functional component includes, but is not limited to, the following functional components:

            –       resource  discovery  functional  component.  In  cooperation with MMF this  functional  component
                    provides discovery of SDN-RL resources. The MMF companion counterpart in the resource layer
                    management (RLM)  functional  component  (see  Annex  A.3.2)  provides  a  functionality to  handle
                    and/or discover the network resources of different technologies for connectivity (also referred as
                    technology-dependent  resource  discovery  in  this  Recommendation),  whereas  the  resource
                    discovery  functional  component  in  the  SDN-CL  provides  technology-agnostic  mechanisms  for
                    resource  discovery  (also  referred  as  technology-independent  resource  discovery  in  this

            –       topology  repository  functional  component.  This  component  keeps  up-to-date  topology  of  the
                    network as well as topology of all virtual networks (if created);
            –       resource allocation functional component. It provides the allocation of abstracted resources for the
                    creation of virtual networks by the SDN-CL. The virtual networks may use existing components of
                    the SDN-CL or there is a possibility to activate virtual network related components, i.e., the CL
                    services, CL-AS, and CL-MSO functional components.

            –       resource monitoring functional component. This component, in cooperation with the resource layer
                    control  support  (RL-CS)  functional  component,  monitors  failures  and  performance  of  SDN-RL

            7.3     SDN resource layer
            The SDN-RL is where the physical or virtual network elements perform transport and/or processing of data
            packets  according  to  SDN-CL  decisions.  The  policy-provisioning  information  (including  configuration
            information) that result as decisions made by the SDN-CL as well as the information about network resources
            are exchanged via the RCI reference point. The SDN-RL also interacts with MMF using the MMF resource
            layer (MMFR) reference point.

            Information exchanged through the RCI include control information provided by the SDN-CL to the SDN-RL
            (e.g., for configuring a network resource or providing policies) as well as the information that pertains to the
            (unsolicited)  notifications sent  by the  SDN-RL  whenever  a  network  resource  change  is  detected  (if such
            information is available).

            The  RCI  reference  point  provides  high-level  access  to  network  resources  regardless  of  their  respective
            Network resources include:
            –       entities,  virtual  or  physical  ones,  that  support  data  forwarding  functionalities,  such  as  network
                    switches with data forwarding rules, which are configured by the SDN-CL;
            –       entities, virtual or physical ones, that support route computation functionalities, such as IP routers
                    with capabilities of distributed routing control, which are customized by the SDN-CL, as part of the
                    dynamic enforcement of routing and traffic engineering policies, for example;

            –       entities, virtual or physical ones, which support data processing functionalities, such as modules for
                    media transcoding and data compression.

            Data  forwarding  and  data  routing  functionalities  are  network  resources  located  in  the  Data  Transport
            functional component.

            Figure 7-4 shows the SDN-RL functional components.

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