Page 303 - Big data - Concept and application for telecommunications
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Big data - Concept and application for telecommunications                       5

                                         Figure 7-4 – SDN-RL functional components

            7.3.1   Resource layer control support functional component
            The RL-CS functional component interacts with the SDN-CL via the RCI reference point. It provides data
            models, or optionally information models, of the network resources, which are abstracted in the SDN-CL.
            The  RL-CS  functional  component  may  itself  realize  resource  abstraction  instead  of  the  SDN-CL,  in  case
            resource abstraction is supported by the underlying resource technology.
            The  RL-CS  functional  component  is  programmable.  The  RL-CS  functional  component  enables  to  update
            and/or modify the data transport and/or the data processing functional components. For example, a new
            protocol or a new set of interface specifications may be added for the purpose of enhancing functionalities
            of the data transport and/or the data processing functional components. The programmability of the RL-CS
            functional component is supported by the MMF.

            7.3.2   Resource layer data transport functional component
            The resource layer data transport (RL-DT) functional component provides data forwarding and data routing
            NOTE  –  Though  mentioned  as  being  an  SDN-RL  functionality,  data  routing  functionality  (including  route
            computation, selection and establishment) can also be provided by the SDN-CL, e.g., in a scenario where data
            forwarding  functionalities  in  the  SDN-RL  is  performed  according  to  the  routes  computed,  selected  and
            instructed by the SDN-CL.

            The  data  forwarding  functionality  handles  the  incoming  data  flows  to  forward  them  along  the  data
            forwarding paths that have been computed and established according to the requirements defined by the
            SDN applications. The control of the data forwarding functionality is provided by the SDN-CL.
            SDN-RL routing policies can be configured by the SDN-CL for SDN applications needs.

            Data forwarding and data routing functionalities are extensible. Examples of functional extension include
            enhancing the existing data transport capabilities and incorporating new data transport capabilities, e.g., for
            the handling a new data frame format or a new data packet format.

            7.3.3   Resource layer data processing functional component
            The resource layer data processing (RL-DP) functional component provides functionalities to examine and
            manipulate  data.  Data  processing  functionalities  enable  to  alter  format  and/or  payload  of  data
            packets/frames and to adjust sending of data packets/frames as specified by SDN applications.
            Data  processing  functionalities  are  extensible.  Examples  of  functional  extension  include  enhancing  the
            existing  data  processing  capabilities  and  incorporating  new  data  processing  capabilities,  e.g.,  new
            transcoding algorithms.

            7.3.4   Resource layer management support functional component
            The resource layer management support (RL-MS) functional component provides resource description, i.e.,
            vendor, software version, and their status (e.g., CPU load, used RAM memory or storage). It may include a
            management agent that performs some local management operations if delegated by MMF. This agent can
            be used to support technology-dependent resource discovery, for programmable, local monitoring of the

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