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ICT for Health: Networks, standards and innovation

           blockchain applications such as those identified by [3], in   against dimensions of time to achieve consistency, system
           this paper the focus is on application areas that are uniquely   availability,   failure   tolerance,   scalability,   latency,
           related  to  healthcare,  rather  than  application  areas  like   auditability,  liveliness,  denial  of  service  resistance  and
           payments  for  services  by  bitcoin  that  may  be  broadly   system complexity. Standardized benchmarks and targets for
           applicable across a number of industries. [25] identified the   healthcare  blockchain  performance  have  not  yet  been
           major stakeholders in digital health systems as patients, the   identified.
           public,  healthcare  professionals  and  health  administrators;
           however,  regulatory  agencies  and  legal  systems  may  also   Software engineering has developed tools and methods to
           need to be able to operate on or interact with the healthcare   support the development and operation of software systems,
           blockchains. Provisions would also be needed for minors,   but to date these are not optimized for blockchain systems.
           access under  a healthcare power of attorney, and in some   [32] identifies the features and implementation challenges of
           cases access after death by heirs.                 interoperability for healthcare blockchain applications and
                                                              proposes foundational software patterns to help address them.
                      3.  TECHNOLOGY ISSUES                   [33]  identifies  blockchain  oriented  software  engineering
                                                              challenges as new professional roles, security and reliability,
           Technology issues can be seen as risks impeding design and   software architecture, modeling languages and metrics, and
           deployment  of  healthcare  blockchains.  Ethereum  and   proposes  new  directions  for  blockchain  oriented  software
           Hyperledger were the most frequently mentioned blockchain   engineering related to enhancement of testing and debugging
           implementation technologies, found by [17] but only 2% of   for  specific  programming  languages  and  the  creation  of
           the papers surveyed were reporting on implementations, so   software tools for smart contract languages. [34] echoes the
           healthcare blockchains are still at the early stages of adoption.  call for further development of blockchain oriented software
           There is not one blockchain but a variety of implementations   engineering best practices and design patterns.
           with  different  characteristics  [26],[27]  (even  bitcoin  has
           forked). Identified technology challenges to the development   3.2   Identity and trust issues in healthcare
           of healthcare blockchains include interoperability, security   blockchains
           and privacy, scalability, speed and patient engagement [14].
           Interoperability, scalability and speed are characteristics of   Many  of  the  benefits  (e.g.  improved  data  security  and
           the software implementation of healthcare applications on   privacy, health data ownership, transparency and trust, data
           the  blockchain.  The  degree  of  patient  engagement  can  be   verifiability, non-repudiation, data provenance) sought from
           significantly impacted by not just the implementation and   healthcare  blockchains  rely  on  some  form  of  trust.  To
           trust  issues,  but  also  the  usability  of  the  system  and  the   achieve  their  healthcare  objectives,  patients  need  to  trust
           overall  user  experience  with  the  healthcare  blockchain.   healthcare providers. Patients and healthcare professionals
           Security, privacy and trust issues reflect concerns about not   need  to  trust  the  validity  of  data  used  for  diagnosis  and
           just the implementation, but the processes for assuring the   treatment. Trust has been defined in many different ways by
           users can trust the blockchain and its associated software, as   different  researchers.  [35]  proposed  an  interdisciplinary
           well as the organizational and legal context. [28] points out   model of trust involving components for disposition to trust,
           that  health  information  technology  in  general  needs  to   institution-based trust, trusting beliefs and trusting intentions.
           consider  not  just  clinical  information,  but  also  socio-  Since literally everyone is potentially a patient, and patients
           technical  concepts  of  value  and  trust  concepts  to  be   are actors in most healthcare blockchains, addressing all of
           successful.                                        those  trust  components  may  be  necessary  for  the  broad
                                                              adoption of healthcare blockchains; not all of them, however,
           3.1    Implementation issues in healthcare blockchains   are directly solved by blockchains. Disposition to trust and
                                                              institution-based trust lie more in the realm of psychological,
           Healthcare blockchain applications, whether directly on the   sociological  and  economic  concepts.  Trusting  beliefs  and
           blockchain, or smart contracts or DAOs, are all software; and   intentions  may  be  more  manageable  for  healthcare
           software  bugs  impact  the  functionality  and  quality  of   blockchains that are explicit about what actors can rely on
           blockchain systems. [29] performed an empirical study of   and for what purposes in the healthcare blockchain use cases.
           over  one  thousand  bugs  identified  from  19  open  source
           blockchain  systems  categorizing  them  and  studying  their   Because of the use of blockchain technology in the financial
           resolution to determine that the frequency distributions of   industry,  and  the  associated  loss  risks,  the  security  of
           bug types share similar trends across the studied projects,   blockchains  and  related  smart  contracts  have  received
           implying  that  these  would  apply  to  healthcare  blockchain   significant  attention.  In  a  survey  on  the  security  of
           applications  also.  They  noted  that  security  bugs  took  the   blockchain systems [36] proposed a taxonomy of the targets
           longest  median  time  to  fix  and  that  more  than  35%  of   of  security  attacks.  For  Blockchain  1.0  (cryptocurrency)
           performance bugs took more than a year to fix. While not   blockchains  the  targets  were  the  blockchain  consensus
           providing specific metrics, [30] identified dimensions for the   mechanism,  the  public  key  encryption  scheme,  the
           quality of blockchain implementations as including security,   cryptocurrency  application  criminal  activity  (e.g.  money
           privacy,  throughput,  size  and  bandwidth,  performance,   laundering  ransomware),  the  transaction  verification
           usability,  data  integrity  and  scalability.  [31]  surveyed  the   mechanism, and transaction design flaws that could lead to
           performance  characteristics  of  six  different  blockchains   privacy  leakage.  For  Blockchain  2.0  (smart  contract)

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