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ICT for Health: Networks, standards and innovation

           the smart contract; nor supporting the execution environment   corporations to use distributed ledgers to maintain their share
           of that smart contract. The parties are identified with their   ownership registry. Vermont (12 V.S.A. § 1913) explicitly
           blockchain  accounts  and  transactions  record  obligations   identified  blockchain  records  as  being  admissible  as
           fulfilled  under  the  smart  contract.  Smart  contracts  can   evidence  in  court.  Wyoming  (§17-206)  exempts  open
           replace  error-prone  human  judgements  with  specific  rule-  blockchain tokens from registration as securities in contrast
           based  actions  capturing  best  practices  and  by  automating   with  views  from  regulatory  agencies  like  CFTC  and  SEC
           workflows  eliminate  the  need  for  acknowledgements  by   treating  cryptocurrencies  as  securities  or  commodities.
           healthcare professionals [42].                     While healthcare data may not seem like a commodity or
                                                              security, healthcare blockchain advocates may need to care
           Perhaps  inspired  by  Barlow’s  declaration  of  the   whether emerging regulatory language is over-inclusive.
           independence  of  cyberspace  [43],  the  decentralized,
           anonymous and autonomous nature of some early blockchain   Much of the existing legal precedents are based on criminal
           implementations  lead  to  proponents  of  DAOs  which   behavior around blockchain 1.0 cryptocurrency/ fintech, but
           purported to have the operating software of the blockchain   the data underlying healthcare blockchains is not a fungible
           be  an  independent  legal  entity.  Other  automated  trading   financial asset. Market participants involved in distributed
           systems have made automated transactions on behalf of their   ledger  systems  like  blockchain  also  must  keep  in  mind
           account owners for some time, but here the software itself   conduct-related  legislation  implementing  public  policy
           was purported to be the account owner. The law has a history   including Antitrust, data protection, copyright, property and
           of  recognizing  fictitious  entities  (e.g.  corporations).   tax, but, in comparison with cryptocurrencies, these areas are
           Ownerless corporations have been proposed almost 30 years   not  anticipated  to  be  of  particular  concern  for  healthcare
           ago [44] and the enabling acts of several states would seem   blockchains.
           to  permit  zero-member  LLCs  [45]  though  such  entities
           would raise a number of social and political concerns [46].   The  recent  European  Union  General  Data  Protection
           An early implementation of a DAO based on bitcoin did not   Regulation (GDPR) creates additional legal protections for
           fare  well  [47].  Despite  efforts  to  transition  governmental   personal information in general, and other jurisdictions may
           services  to  electronic  form,  from  service  of  process  to   be  considering  similar  regulations.  Blockchains  operated
           judgement enforcement a purely software entity would be   within the scope of those regulations may need additional
           difficult to interface with a human and paper-driven legal   design  features  to  meet  the  GDPR  requirements  [49].
           system.                                            Beyond  general  data  privacy  regulation,  healthcare
                                                              blockchains  and  smart  contracts  would  be  impacted  by
           Distributed  ledger  technologies  could  be  considered  by   healthcare specific regulations (e.g. HIPPA [50] which has
           courts  in  several  legal  systems  as  joint  ventures  or   obligations  for  data  privacy  in  contrast  with  many
           partnerships between participants [48]. If a partnership were   blockchain implementations that rely on a publicly visible
           determined  to  exist,  then  joint  and  several  liability  would   blockchain).
           extend to all the partners. Joint and several liability means
           the plaintiffs can collect any damages award from any one of   Consider  a  healthcare  smart  contract  executing  on  a
           a group of partners. The extent of the partnership would be   blockchain  accepting  data  from  an  oracle  reporting  on  a
           determined by the court given the facts and circumstances of   physiological condition through a smart phone, making some
           the case.                                          analysis  of  the  data  and  reporting  exceptional  health
                                                              conditions  as  an  alarm  to  a  healthcare  professional.  The
           4.2    Public law                                  definition of a medical device [51] is sufficiently broad that
                                                              this healthcare smart contract could be considered a medical
           Because blockchain technology is relatively new, there is not   device and subject to medical device regulation. An error in
           yet a lot of blockchain specific laws and regulation in place,   such a smart contract medical device could create product
           and what there is has been driven by cryptocurrencies rather   liabilities.
           than healthcare blockchain applications. Blockchain related
           legislation  is  under  consideration  in  a  number  of   4.3   Private law
           states .Arizona  explicitly  recognized  electronic  signatures
           secured by blockchains as valid signatures and defined smart   Private law differs in different legal systems, but generally
           contracts  secured  through  blockchains  as  valid  electronic   liabilities can arise through contracts, torts, partnerships or
           records.  A.R.S  §44-7061  defines  a  smart  contract  as:  “an   specific  legislation.  Tort  claims  are  particularly  important
           event-driven program, with state, that runs on a distributed,   where there is no contractual liability. Joint tortfeasors are
           decentralized, shared and replicated ledger and that can take   two or more individuals with joint and several liability in tort
           custody over and instruct transfer of assets on that ledger”.   for the same injury to the same person or property. Whether
           Delaware  enacted  legislation  (D.C.  §8-224)  enabling   healthcare  smart  contracts  implemented  on  blockchain


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