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            Foreword  .............................................................................................................................................    i

            Chairman's Message .............................................................................................................................    iii

            Committees ...........................................................................................................................................    vii

            Keynote Summary

                   PANACEA: An Internet of Bio-NanoThings application for early detection and mitigation
                   of infectious diseases
                   Ian F. Akyildiz (Georgia Institute of Technology, USA) ..........................................................    xiii

            Session 1: ICT infrastructure for healthcare

                   S1.1     5G-enabled health systems: Solutions, challenges and future research trends
                            Di Zhang; Teng Zhang; Yunkai Zhai; Joel J. P. C. Rodrigues; Dalong Zhang;
                            Zheng Wen; Keping Yu; Takuro Sato .......................................................................    1
                   S1.2     Community healthcare mesh network engineering in white space frequencies
                            Hope Mauwa; Antoine Bagula; Emmanuel Tuyishimire; Tembisa Ngqondi ...........    9
                   S1.3     Exploration of the non-intrusive optical intervention therapy based on the indoor
                            smart lighting facility
                            Jian Song; Xiaofei Wang; Hongming Zhang; Changyong Pan ................................    17
                   S1.4     Access technologies for medical IoT systems
                            Junaid Ahmed Siddiquee ...........................................................................................    23

            Session 2: Medical ICT

                   S2.1     Module structure for foot prosthetic and interface standardization
                            Yoshitoshi Murata; Tomoki Yamato .........................................................................    33
                   S2.2     Development of hearing technology with personalized safe listening features
                            Shayan Gupta; Xuan Xu; Hongfu Liu; Jacqueline Zhang; Joshua N. Bas;
                            Shawn K. Kelly ..........................................................................................................    39

            Session 3: Medical IoT

                   S3.1     Facilitating healthcare IoT standardization with open source: A case study on
                            OCF and IoTivity
                            Hongki Cha; Younghwan Choi; Kangchan Lee........................................................    49
                   S3.2     Empirical study of medical IoT for patients with intractable diseases at home
                            Kentaro Yoshikawa; Masaomi Takizawa; Akinori Nakamura; Masahiro Kuroda ..     59
            Session 4: Digital health strategies

                   S4.1     Invited paper - Towards international standards for the evaluation of artificial
                            intelligence for health
                            Markus A. Wenzel; Thomas Wiegand .......................................................................    67
                   S4.2     Redesigning a basic laboratory information system for the global south
                            Jung Wook Park; Aditi Shah; Rosa I. Arriaga; Santosh Vempala ...........................    77

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