P. 8

                   S4.3     #RingingTheAlarm: Chronic "Pilotitis" stunts digital health in Nepal
                            Ichhya Pant; Anubhuti Poudyal ................................................................................   85
                   S4.4     Designing national health stack for public health: Role of ICT-based knowledge
                            management system
                            Charru Malhotra; Vinod Kotwal; Aniket Basu .........................................................   95

            Session 5: Smart technologies for caregivers

                   S5.1     Elderly health monitoring system with fall detection using multi-feature based
                            person tracking
                            Dhananjay Kumar; Aswin Kumar Ravikumar; Vivekanandan Dharmalingham;
                            Ved P. Kafle ..............................................................................................................   105
                   S5.2     A healthcare cost calculator for older patients over the first year after renal
                            Rui Fu; Nicholas Mitsakakis; Peter C. Coyte ...........................................................   115
                   S5.3     Automatic plan generating system for geriatric care based on mapping similarity
                            and global optimization
                            Fei Ma; Chengliang Wang; Zhuo Zeng ....................................................................   125

            Session 6: Data and artificial intelligence era

                   S6.1     Invited paper - Preparing for the AI era under the digital health framework
                            Shan Xu; Chunxia Hu; Dong Min .............................................................................   135
                   S6.2     Operationalizing data justice in health informatics
                            Mamello Thinyane ....................................................................................................   145

            Session 7: Safety and security in healthcare

                   S7.1     Thought-based authenticated key exchange
                            Phillip H. Griffin .......................................................................................................   155
                   S7.2     Cyber-safety in healthcare IoT
                            Duncan Sparrell ........................................................................................................   163

            Session 8: Data protection and privacy in healthcare

                   S8.1     Technical and legal challenges for healthcare blockchains and smart contracts
                            Steven A. Wright .......................................................................................................   173
                   S8.2     Design of a credible blockchain-based e-health records (CB-EHRs) platform
                            Lingyu Xu; Antoine Bagula; Omowunmi Isafiade; Kun Ma; Tapiwa Chiwewe .......   183

                   S8.3     The GDPR transfer regime and modern technologies
                            Melania Tudorica; Trix Mulder ................................................................................   191

            Abstracts  .............................................................................................................................................   199

            Index of Authors ...................................................................................................................................   209

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