Page 14 - Technical report on SS7 vulnerabilities and mitigation measures for digital financial services transactions
P. 14


           According to research conducted by ENISA,  39 elec-  Protection of these two attack surfaces is considered
           tronic communication providers across the European   to be exclusively in the cellular operators’ domain, i.e.
           Union (EU) were surveyed on the commonality and fre-  if the operator implements measures to protect itself,
           quency of telecom attacks. More than 80% of the sur-  all of the subscribers that use the network will be pro-
           veyed telecom operators in the EU responded they have   tected. However:
           detected or encountered some attacks, and about 25%   •  Most cellular operators have not yet protected their
           reported encountering a substantial number of attacks,   networks against these attacks even though the
           as seen in the following chart. However, at this point, the   GSMA and ITU (global telecommunication govern-
           low number of reported attacks can be affiliated to the   ing bodies) have issued guidelines  on how to defend
           lack of detection mechanisms in place within the tele-  against such attacks.
           com operators, a fact shown in Figure 2.
             According to the SIT workstream survey, over 70%   •  Operators that did comply with these recommenda-
           of the telecom regulators and telecom operators sur-  tions, in most cases only implemented these guide-
           veyed have no clue if their networks are under telecom   lines partially, maintaining part of the vulnerabilities
           attacks.                                             in their networks.
             The telecoms that detected attacks identified them
           in the categories shown below. It is visible that attacks   •  Network operators cannot protect against most of
                                                                the air interface vulnerabilities, even more so when
           directly associated to DFS fraud, such as spoofing, SMS   the subscriber is roaming.
           interception, and subscriber fraud take a dominant per-
           centage in the chart.                              The challenge therefore remains, how can a DFS pro-
                                                              vider or client defend themselves from cellular attacks
                                                              without relying on the mobile operators to solve this
           FIGURE 1:  Frequency of telecom attacks in the EU (survey)  issue?

                             8%      13%                      FIGURE 3:  Types of telecom attacks in the EU (survey)

                                                              90%   84.6%
                      18%                                     80%
                                                              60%       56.4%
                                                              50%            48.7%
                                    61%                       20%
                                                               10%                          5.1%  5.1%  2.6%
                                                                 SMS spam  Spoofing
                                                                                            Routing attacks
                                                                             Subscriber fraud
                                                                             Text message interception
                                                                                       Denial of service
               0      less than 10  10 to 100    more than 100          Location tracking  Subscriber or provider  Call interception

           FIGURE 2  Awareness to telecom attacks in the developing world (survey)



           I don’t

                0%  10%  20%  30%  40%  50%  60%  70%  80%90%  100%

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