Page 19 - Technical report on SS7 vulnerabilities and mitigation measures for digital financial services transactions
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tion strategies for many SS7 attacks on 2G/3G network.   11  IMPLEMENTATION OF MITIGATION AMONG
           Based on the filtering rules found in this document an   MOBILE OPERATORS
           operator can determine if a message that arrives at
           the interconnection interface is legitimate, prohibited,   Mobile operators have not really addressed the issue of
           unauthorized, suspicious or otherwise “strange”.   SS7 telecom vulnerabilities. This is demonstrated by the
                                                              ENISA survey in the EU and the Security Infrastructure
           10.2 FS.07 SS7 and SIGTRAN network security        and Trust workstream survey by the ITU within the devel-
           This document provides substantial background how   oping world. According to ENISA’s survey most telecom
           to handle SS7 messages on the edge of the network. It   operators only addressed this issue by implementing SMS
           describes the whole SS7 stack, while putting emphasis   home routing  and performing some filtering  on signal-
           on the MAP protocol level, where attacks are most com-  ling nodes. Only about a quarter of the telecom operators
           mon. It provides security analysis for SS7 and SIGTRAN.   have implemented any of the mitigation strategies men-
           It lists a set of countermeasures for many SS7 attacks,   tioned in Section 11 above. In the developing world the
           and recommendations on how they can be deployed.   majority of the telecom regulators and telecom operators
           FS. 07 also contains details on how to configure an SS7   surveyed did not know about these mitigation strategies,
           firewall or an edge node to stop unauthorized messages   and for those who knew, the implementation rate was
           and attacks from reaching the core network, for all MAP   very low (below 10%).
           v2/3 messages and provides countermeasures for the    The reason for this low implementation rate is simple,
           currently known SS7 attacks.                       implementing strong mitigation strategies are cost inhib-
                                                              iting for the telecom operator. About 75% of the surveyed
           10.3 IR.82 security SS7 implementation on SS7 net-  operators in the EU replied that cost is the inhibiting fac-
           work guidelines                                    tor  in  implementation,  that  and  the  lack  of  regulation
           This document outlines general security measures for   mandating it.
           SS7 security, which include for example SMS specific
           security measures and many SS7 stack related security   FIGURE 9:  Implementation of mitigation in mobile operators
           measures. It should be seen as a toolbox for operators,   within the EU
           as not every measure mentioned in this document can   100%
           be deployed in every network.                              87.1%
           10.4  IR.88 LTE and EPC roaming guidelines                       71.8%
           This document outlines LTE interconnect (roaming)
           security measures. It is the LTE counterpart to the IR.82.   60%
           It contains a security toolbox for Diameter, it covers
           aspects like routing attacks, DoS, location tracking and   40%          33.3%
           other types of diameter-based interconnection attacks                         28.2%  25.7%  20.5%
           on the SCTP, GTP and interface specific recommenda-  20%                                       12.8%
           tion e.g. S6a, S9, S8. It also tackles legacy interworking,
           SMS security and charging and policy related security   0%
                                                                         Active testing/auditing
                                                                Implement SMS and end nodes  Implement signaling Aviodance of optimal  analytics
                                                                     Filtering on transit
                                                                                                  Implement advanced
           aspects.                                                                           Other
                                                                  home routing
                                                                                                  call routing
           10.5 Mitigations in GSMA documents vs common
           telecom attacks
           TABLE 3: Coverage of mitigation strategies in GSMA documents    FIGURE 10:  Mitigation implementation in the developing world
           vs common SS7/Diameter attacks
           Attack               FS.11    FS.07   IR.82   IR.88
                                (2/3G)  (2/3G)  (2/3G)  (4G)    70%
           Spam                   ✘      ✓      ✓      ✘        60%
           Spoofing               ✓      ✓      ✓      ✘        50%
           Location tracking      ✓      ✓      ✓      ✓        40%
           Subscriber fraud       ✘      ✓      ✓      ✓
           Intercept              ✘      ✓      ✘      ✘
           Denial of Service (DoS)  ✓    ✓      ✓      ✘         0%
           Infiltration attacks   ✓      ✓      ✓      ✓                Unaware      Aware     Implemented
           Routing attacks        ✘      ✓      ✓      ✘

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