Page 21 - Technical report on SS7 vulnerabilities and mitigation measures for digital financial services transactions
P. 21

12.2 Detecting and mitigating social engineering    request, before authorizing it the DFS provider needs to
           attacks with MT-USSD                               ascertain the following:
           Once the attacker solicits the account number and PIN   a) Check if the IMSI associated with the phone number
           from the victim, they will attempt to use it with another   has changed, this is an indication of SIM swap.
           phone and register the new phone to the account in
           order to transfer funds. Alternatively, use the account   b) If there is an indication of a SIM swap, check the IMEI
           number and PIN to withdraw funds at an ATM or conve-  of the phone holding the SIM. If the IMEI has also
           nience store or kiosk (e.g. 7-Eleven).               changed, there is a high probability of SIM swap. In
             Once  the  DFS  Provider  receives  the  transaction   that case the DFS provider should block the account
           request, before authorizing it the DFS provider needs to   until performing account verification procedures, for
           ascertain the following:                             example, via a voice call or an agent.
           a) The location of the account holder’s phone is indeed   c) Systems and procedures to detect suspicious SIM
             near the ATM or kiosk where the transaction is taking   swap behavior can be implemented. These rely on
             place (if this is an ATM transaction).             inter alia.

           b) Provide the IMSI and IMEI of the phone preforming
             the transaction in order to check with the cellular car-  Regulatory rules on SIM swaps, including:
             rier if the owner of the IMSI and phone is the account   a) Standardization by regulators of SIM swap rules
             holder.                                            amongst MNOs/MVNOs by the regulator, including
           c) Verify with 2-way SecureOTP  to the original phone   SIM swaps leading to porting of numbers to other
             number to verify the legitimacy of the transaction.  MNOs/MVNOs.
                                                              b) Identification to an MNO/MVNO or its agents of per-
           12.3 Detecting and mitigating interception of        sons requesting new SIMs including an affidavit signed
           MO-USSD                                              by the subscriber and a passport photograph of the
           transactions                                         subscriber where the replacement is to be done by a
           Once the fraudster intercepts the account Number     proxy.
           and PIN from the victim they will attempt to use it. The
           attacker has two main ways to use the intercepted cre-  c) Where SIM replacement is carried out by proxy, the
           dentials:                                            MNO/MVNO or its agents must capture a facial image
                                                                of  the  proxy  which  must  be  kept  for  twelve  (12)
           a) During the MITM session, while the victim’s SIM is   months.
             cloned in the MITM system, the attacker can initiate
             MO-USSD session from the MITM system.            d) Rules that a SIM should be replaceable only if it is
                                                                faulty, damaged, stolen, lost, obsolete (but eligible
           b) After the MITM session the attacker will attempt to   for replacement or an upgrade), and any other rea-
             use it with another phone and register the new phone   sonable legitimate reason or condition necessitating
             to the account in order to transfer funds (just like in   a SIM replacement.
             the scenario above).
           We will detail how to detect the first scenario since the   Internal rules on SIM swaps by MNOs/MVNOs including:
           second is the same as above. Once the DFS Provider   a) On request for a SIM swap, sending of notifications
           receives the transaction request, before authorizing it   via SMS, IVR or Push USSD of the SIM swap request
           the DFS provider needs to ascertain the following:   to the (current) SIM/phone number owner,  in case
           a) Check if the IMEI of the device performing the trans-  the SIM is still live, and then waiting for a positive
             action matches the IMEI of the account holder’s    response from the owner for a certain time before
             phone (an MITM system may clone the SIM with a     undertaking the SIM swap.
             different IMEI).
                                                              b) A general 2-4 hour holding time from the time of a
           b) Compare the location of the phone preforming the   SIM card request to providing the new SIM card to
             current transaction to the last reported location of   the requestor.
             the phone (last in/out SMS or call), since once under   c) Challenge questions posed to the SIM swap requestor,
             the MITM system the attacked phone changes its net-  including value of last prepaid voucher recharge and/
             work location abruptly.
                                                                or numbers called regularly, or name of person who
                                                                paid the last bill if a post-paid account.
           12.4 Detecting and mitigating unauthorized SIM card
           swap                                               d) Linking bank 2FA systems used by banks/PSPs for
           Once the attacker is in possession of the new SIM, they   undertaking (new) payment beneficiary verification
           perform the transaction to reset the PIN code using OTP   via SMS and/or push USSD OTP, to SIM/phone num-
           SMS. Once the DFS provider receives the transaction   ber databases housed at MNOs. Linking the two data-

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