Page 407 - Cloud computing: From paradigm to operation
P. 407

Framework and requirements for cloud computing                              1

            •       ITU-T  L.1420:  Recommendation  ITU-T  L.1420  presents  the  methodology  to  be  followed  if  an
                    organization intends to claim compliance with this Recommendation when assessing its information
                    and communication technology (ICT) related energy consumption and/or greenhouse gas (GHG)

                    This Recommendation can be used to assess energy consumption and GHG emissions generated
                    over a defined period of time for the following purposes: for assessment of related impact from ICT
                    organizations or for assessment of impact from ICT related activities within non-ICT organizations.
            •       ITU-T L.1430: Recommendation  ITU-T  L.1430  is  intended  as  a  complement to  ISO  standard  ISO
                    14064-2 and the Project Protocol of the Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG Protocol).
                    This Recommendation provides guidance for the application of a specific methodology to assess the
                    environmental impact of information and communication technology (ICT) greenhouse gas (GHG)
                    and  energy  projects.  This  assessment  methodology  is  specifically  directed  at  quantifying  and
                    reporting GHG emission reductions, GHG removal enhancements, energy consumption reductions,
                    and enhancement of energy generation and storage in ICT GHG and energy projects.
                    An ICT GHG project uses mainly ICT goods, networks and services (GNS) and is designed to reduce
                    GHG  emissions  or  increase  GHG  removals  that  are  quantified  by  comparison  between  the
                    environmental impact of a project activity and a corresponding baseline scenario.

                    An ICT energy project uses mainly ICT goods, networks and services to reduce energy consumption
                    and improve energy efficiency.
                    From the ICT perspective, this Recommendation takes into account considerations based on existing
                    project quantification guidelines and aims at covering ICT GHG and energy project activities within
                    both the ICT and non-ICT sectors.
                    This  Recommendation  recognizes  the  importance  of  project  validation  and  verification  for  the
                    credibility of project results but does not enforce the validation and verification procedures to be
                    applied. It is expected that such procedures will be determined by the selected GHG programme,
                    national regulations, the project proponent's internal policy or the intended user's request.
            •       ITU-T  L.1302:  Recommendation  ITU-T  L.1302  contains  the  energy  efficiency  assessment
                    methodology  for  data  and  telecommunication  centres,  test  equipment  accuracy  requirements,
                    assessment periods, assessment conditions and calculation methods.
                    For data and telecommunication centres, the document was divided into assessment methods for
                    whole    data   centre   /telecommunication   centre   efficiency   and   for   partial   data
                    centre/telecommunication centre efficiency.
                    As the main energy consuming infrastructure in data centres/telecommunication centres are power
                    feeding  systems  (power  supply  system)  and  cooling  systems,  both  system  energy  efficiency
                    measurement methodologies are covered in this Recommendation.
                    It  takes  advantage  of  methodologies  and  best  practices  currently  in  use  or  in  development  in
                    networks and data centres/telecommunication centres.
                    This Recommendation aims to reduce the negative impact of data and telecommunication centres
                    through providing the methodologies of energy efficiency assessments. It is commonly recognized
                    that data and telecommunication centres will have an ever-increasing impact on the environment
                    in the future. The application of the assessment methods defined in this Recommendation can help
                    owners and managers to build future data centres/telecommunication centres, or improve existing
                    ones, to operate in an environmentally responsible manner.

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