Page 408 - Cloud computing: From paradigm to operation
P. 408

1                                    Framework and requirements for cloud computing

            •       ITU-T  L.1320:  Recommendation  ITU-T  L.1320  contains  the  general  definition  of  metrics,  test
                    procedures, methodologies and measurement profiles required to assess the energy efficiency of
                    power  and  cooling  equipment  for  telecommunication  and  data  centres.  More  detailed
                    measurement  procedures  and  specifications  can  be  developed  in  future  related  ITU-T
                    Metrics  and  measurement  methods  are  defined  for power equipment,  alternating  current  (AC)
                    power feeding equipment (such as AC uninterruptible power supply (UPS), direct current (DC/AC)
                    inverters),  DC  power  feeding  equipment  (such  as  AC/DC  rectifiers,  DC/DC  converters),  solar
                    equipment, wind turbine equipment and fuel cell equipment.

                    In  addition,  metrics  and  measurement  methods  are  defined  for  cooling  equipment  such  as  air
                    conditioning equipment, outdoor air cooling equipment and heat exchanging cooling equipment.

            •       ITU-T  L.renewable:  This  draft  document  defines  the  interface  and  architecture  for  injecting
                    renewable energy and distributed power sources into an up to 400 V power system as defined in
                    Recommendation ITU-T L.1201.
            •       ITU-T  L.green_mgm_DC:  This  Recommendation  describes  the  functionality  requirements  and
                    framework of green data centre energy-saving management systems. The energy saving will be
                    realized through performance to increase the energy efficiency of data centres. The scope of this
                    Recommendation includes:
                    –   characteristics and operation flow of green data centre energy-saving management systems;

                    –   functionality requirements of green data centre energy-saving management systems (e.g., real-
                        time energy consumption data acquisition; energy consumption data analysis and chart show;
                        energy consumption data query; energy consumption monitoring and early warning; strategy
                        optimization, etc.);
                    –   capability needs of green data centre energy-saving management systems (e.g., collect data
                        from different communication interfaces; secure storage; control management, etc.)
                    –   framework of green data centre energy-saving management systems.
                    Sensor definition, interface and protocol are not included in the scope of this Recommendation.
            •       ITU-T L.1440: Recommendation ITU-T L.1440 gives general guidance for city-level environmental
                    assessments  related  to  ICTs,  and  provides  a  description  of  methodologies  to  be  used  for  the
                    assessment of the environmental impact of ICTs in cities.
                    In this first edition of this Recommendation, the assessment is limited to energy consumption and
                    GHG emissions.
                    The Recommendation is divided in two parts.
                    –   Part  I  relates  to  the  first  order  effects  from  the  use  of  ICT  goods  and  networks  in  a  city's
                        organizations and households.
                    –   Part II relates to the first and second order effects from ICT projects and services applied in the

                    This  Recommendation  provides  specific  guidance  in  setting  the  city  boundaries,  preparing  and
                    performing the assessment of ICT-related GHG emissions and energy consumption at the city level.

            •       ITU-T L.1204: Recommendation ITU-T L.1204 describes the extended architecture of power feeding
                    systems of up to 400 volts DC (VDC) for information and communication technology (ICT) equipment
                    in telecommunication centres, data centres and customer premises. It describes aspects such as
                    configuration, redundancy, power distribution and monitoring, in order to construct safe, reliable
                    and manageable power feeding systems. This Recommendation can be used also as an architecture

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