Page 784 - Cloud computing: From paradigm to operation
P. 784

4                                             Video processing and storage

            MDU         Media Distribution Unit

            MSU         Media Storage Unit
            NVR         Network Video Recorder

            PU          Premises Unit
            SCU         Service Control Unit

            VS          Visual Surveillance

            5       Conventions


            6       Overview of cloud storage in visual surveillance
            The  large-scale  deployment  of  visual  surveillance  systems  has  contributed  to  the  explosive  growth  of
            surveillance video data. It induces stringent needs for the efficient storage of massive video data and fast
            access of information of interest to users. Cloud storage is a data storage model for enabling service users to
            have  ubiquitous,  convenient  and  on-demand  network  access  to  a  shared  pool  of  configurable  storage
            resources,  which  can  be  rapidly  provisioned  and  released  with  minimal  management  effort  or  service-
            provider interaction. In the cloud storage system, the physical and virtual resources can be dynamically
            assigned and reassigned according to the users' demands.

            7       Functional architecture for cloud storage in visual surveillance

            7.1     Architectural framework

            Figure 7-1 shows the architectural framework for cloud storage in visual surveillance. The cloud storage based
            visual surveillance platform consists of two parts, which are respectively the traditional visual surveillance
            (VS) system and the cloud storage system. The cloud storage system can also be integrated with intelligent
            visual surveillance, mobile visual surveillance and other visual surveillance subsystems and the architecture
            is similar to that defined in this clause and is not described in this Recommendation.

                          Figure 7-1 – Architectural framework for cloud storage in visual surveillance

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