Page 785 - Cloud computing: From paradigm to operation
P. 785

Video processing and storage                                       4

            The  traditional  VS  service  is  a  telecommunication  service  focusing  on  video  (and  audio)  application
            technology, which is used to remotely capture multimedia (such as audio, video, image and various alarm
            signals) and present them to end users in a friendly manner (including accessibility aspects). The traditional
            VS system mainly includes six functional entities, which are the centre management unit (CMU), the service
            control unit (SCU), the media distribution unit (MDU), the media storage unit (MSU), the premises unit (PU)
            and the customer unit (CU). The function description of each functional entity is defined in [ITU-T H.626].
            A visual surveillance cloud storage can provide a shared pool of configurable storage resources and related
            data  storage  functions  to  the  VS  applications.  In  a  cloud  storage  system,  the  storage  resources  can  be
            dynamically assigned and reassigned according to the users' demands. The cloud storage part mainly includes
            three functional entities, which are the cloud storage management unit (CSMU), the cloud storage data unit
            (CSDU) and the cloud storage access unit (CSAU).
            –       CSMU is used to provide the management services for the cloud storage system in the VS system.
            –       CSDU is the data node in a cloud storage system. A number of CSDUs are organized in a distributed
                    way  as  a  storage  resource  pool  by  using  virtualization  technology  and  the  virtualized  storage
                    resource can be dynamically provided to the users on demand. The CSDUs are used to store the
                    massive multimodal data produced by the VS system.
            –       CSAU  is  the  key  unit  for  implementing  communication  between  the  CSDU  and  the  media  data
                    related units defined in the traditional VS system [ITU-T H.626]. The main functions of the CSAU
                    include: receiving and responding to the control information of the CSMU, receiving and responding
                    to the control information of the SCU, receiving the media data from MDU or PU, sending the media
                    data to the MDU or other related visual surveillance entities, writing the media data into the CSDU
                    cluster and reading the media data from the CSDU cluster.

            7.2     Functional entities

            7.2.1   Cloud storage management unit
            The  cloud storage  management  unit  (CSMU)  is  used  to  provide the  management  services  for the cloud
            storage system and respond to service requests of the VS system. The main functions of the CSMU include
            storage  resource  management,  data  management,  user  management,  service  management,  log
            management and security control. The CSMU is used to achieve collaboration among the different storage
            devices and guarantee better access performance of the multimodal surveillance data.
            7.2.2   Cloud storage data unit

            The cloud storage data unit (CSDU) is the data node in a cloud storage system which is used to store the
            massive multimodal data produced by the VS system. A typical visual surveillance cloud storage system has
            a number of CSDUs, which are organized in a distributed way as a storage resource pool by using virtualization
            technology. The CSDU can be  dynamically extended according to the user's demand and the virtualized
            storage resource can be dynamically provided to the users on demand. The CSDU can receive media data
            from the CSAU and write the data onto its local storage device. In addition, the CSDU can read and transmit
            the stored data to the CSAU according to the data reading requests.

            7.2.3   Cloud storage access unit
            The cloud storage access unit (CSAU) is the key unit for implementing communication between the CSDU and
            the media data related units defined in the VS system [ITU-T H.626]. As shown in Figure 7-2, the functions of
            the CSAU are divided into three categories, which are the service control function, the media control function
            and the configuration management function.

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